11 Sites like Read.Cash - Crypto Social Media Sites

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Avatar for AbsoluteUnit
3 years ago

In my early days on Crypto Social sites I would always do the same thing after exhausting my tips and writing ability for the day, search on Google for "Sites like Read.Cash" but would often get suggestions for Wordpress or Tumblr (yuck!). Over the course of the last year of using Read.Cash I've gathered up a few sites that are similar to it and would like to share that with you all so you don't have to go through the same vicious cycle like I did before. If I missed any new ones out there please let me know!


Publish0x is a crypto-agnostic platform where both authors and readers earn in Crypto (currently ETH, iFARM and AMPL). Publish0x was the first Blockchain Social Media site I found and is currently one of the largest, with over $429,646.00 paid out to it's users it's also one of the most lucrative. Both videos and blogs can be posted but blogs tend to be the most popular on the site. Tips are also free so no initial investment is required. I highly recommend you check it out.

Website: https://publish0x.com


Minds was launched in 2011 by Bill Ottman and John Ottman as an alternative to Facebook and other traditional Social Media sites. They officially went public in June of 2015. They have since launched their own token, MIND, which is available to users for creating and interacting with content on their site.

I would most associate Minds with Medium or Hubpages, because of their income model and how they have some content locked behind pay walls and subscriptions. Many of the most lucrative earning features are tied to their Minds+ or Minds Pro subscriptions, however you can still create some earnings just by interacting with the content there (for a quality breakdown of their rewards structure - click HERE). There's also a lot of talk about the politics on Minds, I don't prefer to talk about any of that so I'll just say if you don't want to read anything political, don't go there.

Website: https://www.minds.com/


I recently did a writeup on LeoFinance (HERE). LeoFinance and it's token, LEO, were developed as a side chain of Hive to be a community focused on the interests of Crypto and Finance. Similar to other Blockchain Social sites users can create blog posts or upload videos, the difference being the content created is stored on the LEO blockchain and users are rewarded in LEO for engaging with the platform through posts, comments or curating content.

There are quite a few good writers on LeoFinance and a very active Discord community. If you're into Hive/Steemit style blogging and are interested in Crypto/Finance it's worth checking out for sure.

Website: https://leofinance.io/


LBRY is..

..an internet protocol (like HTTP or SMTP) that allows the publishing of digital content with no middlemen, no censorship, and no interference (even from us). 

In a nutshell LBRY is the blockchain competitor to YouTube. Payments are made in their own coin (noticing a theme), LBRY, and reward users for either uploading popular content (whether Picture or Video) or watching/interacting with content on their site. I've had a LBRY account for a little over a year now and use it almost every day to watch some of my favorite YouTuber's that have made their way over to LBRY. 

Website: https://lbry.tv/


Trybe is a "Crypto Powered Knowledge Sharing Community", in a nutshell it's the EOS version of Read.cash or Publish0x. I've used Trybe off and on for the last year or so and I really want to like Trybe. They recently did a UI update and it's significantly more appealing than it used to be. However it just doesn't seem to work, the news feeds are all screwed up and I can never tell if when I make a post it actually shows up for other users. But I keep posting content there, just maybe hoping one day the Devs get their act together and their token, Trybe, moons. 

Website: https://trybe.one/


I honestly don't even remember signing up for Torum but apparently I did in December of 2020. Torum is a micro-blogging social media site where users can post images, links and short amounts of text. Their goal is to "connect Crypto Enthusiasts from across the globe".

They seem to operate similar to Twitter with short posts and links being the primary content. Torum also has their own coin, XTM, that is set to launch on the ETH mainnet soon™. Daily/weekly/lifetime missions are the best way to get XTM outside of writing good content. I currently hold a pretty decent amount of XTM from when I apparently joined last year, but it's value is yet to be seen.

Website: https://torum.com/


I'll probably catch some flack for throwing these two together, as they are definitely very different sites - especially to those who have frequented them. But I currently do not frequent them and am feeling froggy today. Steemit is the grand daddy to blockchain social media sites, Hive being the follow up when Justin Sun bought Steemit and a portion of the community decided to revolt and start a new platform. They both work pretty similarly, users get rewarded in the in-kind token (whether HIVE or STEEM) for posting quality content and interacting with content on the site. Both have very large communities that tend to interact not just on the site but also extensively in the numerous Discord servers their users employ. Some would argue are extremely hard for newbies to get into due to the gatekeeping that goes on there, in my experience there's some great content on both sites, there's just a lot of learning that needs to happen before getting involved with either.

Websites: https://hive.io/ and https://steemit.com/


Noise.cash is a social micro-blogging site fueled by BCH and launched by the creators of Read.cash. It's somewhat similar to Twitter. Users can post images and short blurbs of text. The main difference between Noise.cash and Twitter, outside of the size of the user base, is that users can tip each other in BCH if they like the content. I've seen quite a few people make a pretty decent amount of money here, I've just created by account and am excited to get into it.

Website: https://noise.cash/


Decentralized Tube (DTube) is a video sharing platform built on top of the Steemit blockchain. Users can upload videos, vote to reward content creators, viewers and influencers in crypto. 

Since DTube is built on the Steem blockchain it operates very similarly to Steemit or Hive. Users can curate content and share in the rewards when they vote on content. There are no ads on DTube which is definitely a plus, I think the last YouTube video I watched ran 4 ads in a 10 minute video. If you're into Crypto related content it might be worth checking out.

Website: https://d.tube/


Den.Social is a Social Media Site built on the Dragonchain (DRGN) blockchain. They have the typical showings of a Hive/Steemit/LeoFinance look-a-like with a few key changes I particularly enjoy. The Lairs, essentially communities, on Den.Social are tokenized assets and provide passive income for the owner and also incentivizes the owner to create a better community. The three different types of crypto on Den can be a little confusing at first but a basic breakdown is -

  • NRG - This is used to upvote content and create posts - this replenishes every hour

  • MTR - Acquired by doing community tasks and supporting the community, this can also temporarily increase the flow-rate of NRG. This is the token that is actually worth on market.

  • LOR - Used to vote on new Lairs or other voting options

Website: https://den.social/


Last but not least, Cos.TV. Cos.TV is a video sharing site built on the Contentos (COS) blockchain. How you earn on Cos.TV can get confusing pretty quickly as when you first login you're greeted with the ability to get free POP then when you open your wallet there's not just COS, there's VEST, Chicken and Gifting Vote. I'm honestly not sure what a lot of them do, I know POP can be used to play their slot-style daily treasure hunt for daily COS rewards but I have no idea what the others do outside of Gifting Vote which I think is a higher tier vote for the content creator? 

I like the platform, it seems smooth and has some good upside but the only thing holding it back to me is the poor English translations. I have no idea what I'm doing half the time.

Website: https://cos.tv/

Well there were all 11 Crypto Social Sites that are similar to Read.Cash. Some appear to have a bright future and others seem to be going through some growing pains. I hope this was helpful for you! If you haven't already don't forget to like, follow and comment on the post your thoughts. Thanks for reading!


Social & Affiliate Links That Keep The Lights On

CAKE DeFi - Get $30 of DFI when you deposit $50 or more of BTC

BlockFi - Get $10 when you deposit $100 or more into any one of the interest accounts. (8.6% APY for USDC)

$ 0.12
$ 0.05 from @Cineholic
$ 0.05 from @keeneek
$ 0.01 from @sh33la
+ 1
Avatar for AbsoluteUnit
3 years ago


Thanks for the list

$ 0.00
2 years ago

thanks for your information!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for the information

$ 0.00
3 years ago

No problem glad if it helped!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'll try some

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have heard of almost all, on a few of them. active on a few Thank you for this... though I don't know how people are able to be on them all especially if you are looking at unique content for each... crazy How do you manage it? :D

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for sharing!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

No problem thanks for the comment and reading it!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great article! I have tried most of these but there are a couple I have not tried. Thanks for sharing!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you! Glad there were some that were new to you. Happy earnings!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Interesting piece of knowledge

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Informative article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for the comment glad you got something out of it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

really impresive brother you did a good job really its very hard to describe everything

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Appreciate it! It is after the 5th site that's the same lol

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for the list, a couple I still haven't had the time to try like Torum and Dtube. I think I'm at my Max social activities for now 😂

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Haha I feel that and very welcome, even just being on 3 is a doozy for real.

$ 0.00
3 years ago