Publish0x vs!! Which is the best!!

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Avatar for Abothe
Written by
4 years ago

Many people have made many good comparision between publish0x and steemit . But now i am comparing its publish0x Vs 

I found this two type of platform which are mean for  articles writers and blogers. This two sites are publish0x  and i have been part of this two community for almost  about 10 here is the thing that i had experinced. And find out which is the best.This article is going to be a bit long so please bear with me lol. My final result is at the bottom of this article.

Publish0x and website

I first joint Publish0x then after two days i found and latter joined it. Comparing about the website i find the layout and presentation of publish0x to be more attarctive and distinct compare to obviously its because is just a few month old and still there is a  lot more to develop.

The clipboard format and its different format button is well designed and easily understandable in publish0x. But in different format button is not that easy to find. 

Publish0x vs sign up

Comparing to the method of sign up. I think its both the same. You just have to go to their respective website click sign up button and  enter your email ,password,username. Verify your email thats it. 

Writing article/blog

There is a big difference between this two. In Publish0x we can become a writer only after our application for becoming a weiter  is aproved from their team.For this we need to submit a sample of our own article or blog after signup. Or only from theire invites.For me it was after their approval.

But in there is no such option once you sign up you can start writing articles or blog and publish straight away.

Tip system

Both the platform reward each writer for publishing quality article/ similarity is that they don't pay their writer according to the number of views per article. ( pay only if you reach 100 and 1000 view per article) they paid according to a so call tip. But there is major difference about tiping

In Publish0x both the readers and writers are awarded for tiping their favourite article.Ranging from a scale of 20-100%.if you tip writer 20% reader will get the remaining 80% . And the  tips comes from their reward pool . We don't have to invest anything.

But in only the writer earn from tiping by a reader.And  as a reader you can earn by commenting on other articles. Or commenting on forum. You can tiped writers by depositing BCH (0.10$) from your wallet or from the tips you have accumuted . If and only if you are the writer . so unlike publish0x you need to have few cent in your account inorder to tip.

Method of earning

In publish0x you can earn by becoming a reader or a writer. If you become a writer then your earning potential increases both as reader and writer.But members are not paid for commenting or upvoting.which means there is only one way of earning. Either by writing or reading.

But in writers and readers can earn from tips,publishing content (500 words)for giving quality comment (up to 60 character long) and also for upvoting.Another amzing feature is payment per view system. For every 100 view you recieve per article you get 20 poin.t So there is five different ways of earning has a point system.later points are converted into BCH after burned.

Type of cryprocurrency being paid

Publish0x pays its writers and readers in three differe ethereum based ERC2 token. They are DAI,BAT and LOOPRING which came from their reward pool.

Where as pay each members in BITCOIN CASH(BCH)  from their distribution fund.

Payment method

In Publish0x payment is done every monday through a ethereum compatible wallet. After reaching a threshold of about 0.50$  for each token.They suggest a mobile wallet called Atomic wallet for sending the currency. And also suggest not to use any exchange wallet.

where as in payment is instant. There is no minimum threshold. We can send our money when our point have been burned and  their fund donor is online and send the  fund to our account.They suggest a wallet called for exchange .

More secure website.

Publish0x is an old website which have been in the internet for more than years. Lots of upgrades has been done to make their platform perfect. Above all no spaming can be done here according to their earning system as mention above. Only qualified writer can write here.

But in there is a very high risk of spaming because of their point system of earning which they recently intoduced. But still they are working on it.Above all being a new site lots of bug are also present in this platform .which we find it very uncomfortable to use the website.

If you are not good in writing but still want to earn you can choose because its payment is high even as readers.where in publish0x you can earn only by tiping 6 times perday as reader.

Which is the best!!

If you are a realy good content writer and want to earn only from your quality content publish0x is your choise. They only allowed qualified writer to publish articles hence free from spaming. And if your are both and also want to earn more choose

My choice!!!!!

From my experince i focus more on . And think is more better than publish0x .Because payment is high and payout is also instant. Above all you can still post quality content on this site as a writer and as a reader. 

I had published the same article at publish0x

Thank you for reading

$ 0.55
$ 0.50 from @Read.Cash
$ 0.05 from @Cain
Avatar for Abothe
Written by
4 years ago


thisis a grea aricle my friend I prefer, I think this site is much more better than publish0x. I can earn money in more type of crypto currency. Thats why i prefer

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The truth is that like you, I am a user of both, and both have their advantages and disadvantages. In a way, for Publish0x you must have a record of articles written in other portals so that they can consider you and add you to the blog.

I am in, and I am practically new, but reading your article shows me that it has other advantages that I did not know when compared to Publish0x.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Publish0x rewards have reduced recently whereas has increased. Not saying one is better than the other because of that but just starting a fact.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I agree , here is I can find genuine content form all sorts of people , they are free to express them selfs in the way they wish. On the other hand , BCH is what consider sound money and I control my wallet seeds.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Most people choose because of it payment BCH is the most fasteset and easily transactable mode of currency

$ 0.00
4 years ago

personally i tried publish0x. it's not bad to be honest but i hated their withdrawing system. thanks for the article !

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Whats wrong with the witdrawal system. I dont think that the main problem. You just have to get enought money to withdraw it.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

there asn't really a problem in it. it's just i like to withdraw whenever i want without a minimum. thats basically it lol. it's more about me not about their system itself

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Well I am also a member of publis0x...I find it better in many way.. But the thing is every platform is unique on its own way! So we should not compare rather work more to develope them..

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I think that could be wrong in one sense . Every platform is competeing . We need such comparition to make people award about its different feature. So that they find it easy to use

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Very interesting article from@Abothe.Really is my also choice

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you . Same here this is one of my most favourie site. For earning passive income. Hope people also finds the same

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Well, "what is facing someone is backing another person". Personally I prefer in all ramifications. I won't say more than that for now.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes i find some people disagree with my judgement. Its according to thier own choise of favourite. We cannot argue with that.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

As blogging platform: without hesitation! :0) Simple, efficient, ergonomic.. My main interest finally is the blogging platform. So, otherwise yes, outperforms Publish0x at all levels.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thats right . But some peoopel op publish0x because there youbcan fine only quality amost of the author are selected accordingly

$ 0.00
4 years ago

For now I say Read.Cash is still the best to say as a system reward. Where is the problem of instant payment, and the points we can get from commenting too.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yup in case of reward its the best but considering about the security of spamming publishpx is the best in that case

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yeah there should be a cap on how many articles and comments one can post in a single day. After this implementation it can be more useful.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice articule man ! I prefer, I think this site is much more better than publish0x. I can earn money in more type of crypto currency. Thats why i prefer

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You can earn more tyoe of crytocurrency only in publish0x not in you can earn only BCH

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wait, If I go to option "Send your money" I can withdraw in other cryptocurrency too i think. Or Im just thinking bad ?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I found Publish0x first and posted there more than a dozen articles. I think that both platforms are of the same quality and I might begin writing more articles on instead. Publish0x rewards have also been reduced, still this wasn't the reason I begun writing there.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

But for this week publish0x awarsd are increase up to 30% for every token. You can earn now if you have good articles

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Great comparison man. I think is far more greater than publish0x.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes it is in case of point and earning oprtunity. Its far better than publis0x. The only thing ia about spaming

$ 0.00
4 years ago