How to use publish0x| beginners guide

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Avatar for Abothe
Written by
4 years ago

find many new people confused about using publish0x. Confused about how to become an author, how to tip, how to cash out payment from publish0x and also its do and don't.Here is a brief guildlines from my own experince.

Publish0x is a platform for every crypto enthusiastic. Here everyone are free to join and become a publisher and earn cryptos by writing article or blogs of their choice. In publish0x unlike other platform both the reader and writer have the same opportunity to earn cryptos from tiping. users don't have to invest a penny in order to tips as the tiping funds came from their rewards pool. 

How to join publish0x?

Joining publish0x is simple 

  • Create an account using either your facebook page or twitter or by using email

  • Click on facebook/ twitter. It will redirect to your soicail media account

  • Click accept button.It will then redirect to a signup page

  • Enter your usename , email password .

  • Then upload your picture if you are signing up using email. Else your social media profile picture will be your default publish0x profile picture

  • Confirm your email from the link send by publish0x from your email account

  • Now you will see your dashboard

  • Here you can check all your earning updates, article you published, affilate stats,article stats etc

Apply here SIGNUP

 How to become a writer?

Unlike other platform in order to become a writer in publish0x you need to apply a simple author form for it. Here are the steps

  • Go to your dashboard

  • Click on become an author button

  • A simple form will apperar

  • Enter the blog type you want to publish

  •  Attatch one of your original article or blog you have published.

  • This step is important in order to get approve as writer in publish0x

  • If you dont have your own article or blog. There ia a less chance for you to be approve as writer.

  • Submit your application form

  • It normaly takes 24 hour or less for approval.

  • You will receive an email from publish0x notifying your approval.

  • Once approved new tab will appear in your dashboard. Where you can start writing your article.

  • For readers there will be no such tab in your dashboard.


How to earn in publish0x

Earning in publish0x is very simple and easy. But you need some dedication in writing your article and publish your original content .you earn cryptocurrency from tiping

  • Both the reader and writer can earn from tiping

  • For those who are not interested to become an author can earn buy reading article

  • The tips came from their reward pool and you don't have to invest anything

  • When a reader tip an article both the reader and writer share some fare amount of money

  • Reader can earn by sliding the tip button according to the percentage of tip he/she want to give the author. 

  • The rest of the tip will go to his account

  • The minumum tip one can tip to the author is 20% and the remaining 80% will be your for reading the articles

  • The average earning per tip is 0.01$ per their rate

  • The more good article you publish, the more the reader, the more you earn as an author.

  • You can tip only 6 times a day. Then a count down timer will appear for next tip.

  • You can tip the same article only 2 times

  • A writer can publish only 5 article per day.

How to  publish article?

Once you are approved as an author you can start wrtiting your article and publish

  • Go to create blog tap

  • Give the name of the blog as per your choice

  • Write something about your blog

  • Click create blog

  • Then click on write new post tab

  • A clipboard will appear where you can start writing your article

  • you can attatch your article tumbnail and picture .

  • Select your blog type

  • Put Tag according to your article(max 5 tag)

  • Enter link source if you have any

  • The Click publish button

  • You can track your article stats from your dashboard

How do publish0x pay

Publish0x is a legit blogging site where user are awarded in cryptocurrency

  • They award user in three different cryptocurrency i.e DAI, LRC,BAT

  • The tip you earn are in the form of this three cryptocurrency. And the reward changes time to time according to the crypto sponsors either DAI or LRC or BAT

  • Payment is done every monday

  • In order to receive your payment you need to have an ERC20 compatable wallet.

  • Go to the payment tab on your dashboard

  • Enter your Atomic wallet Ethereum address for LRC, DAI, BAT on your payment dashboard

  • When you reach a minimum threshold of 0.50$ you are eligible to requeat payment

  • Minimum amount for DAI is 0.4970 DAI

  • Minumum amount for BAT is 2.4020 BAT

  • Mininum amount for LRC is 10.3750 LRC

  • Publish0x recomend using Atomic wallet a mobile as well as a desktop  based  Ethereum wallet

Referal program

You can also refer friend  by sharing your referal link under the Ambassador program. You will earn 5% from every tip generated by your referal.


If you are a good content writer as well as a blogger and a cryto enthusiastic it is realy worth joining publish0x and earn some cryptocurrency from your article or blog.

$ 0.00
Avatar for Abothe
Written by
4 years ago


Thank for this guide.

Publish0x is a good platform wich is really complentary to

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You are welcome. Yes it can be a complementary to the only difference is about theire tiping and currencg used

$ 0.00
4 years ago

it's OK to promote.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I already started with this platform but it"s hard to load for me. What kind of disappointing is too is you can hardly find any other posts besides of cryptocurrencies and those articles are rarely news or inspiration. Who knows one day I might go back. 💕

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thatbis good to hear. If you are goid in writing content then you can bounch it back .it a nice platfor. Just like

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I am also in publish0x platform.. You can earn without investing.. Just with reading.. Reading is my hobby so it a plus point for me

$ 0.00
4 years ago

That nice to hear. Of you want to write then you are also free to do so. And writing has mire potential to earn than reading

$ 0.00
4 years ago

because Publish0x is using three tokens/crypto .. it feels time consuming to understand how the payment system works .. on the other hand we love crypto because there is no minimum or limitations in sending or receiving Crypto.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

In case of payment minimum threshold level publish0x has some condition . Yes we feel frutrated on that case .

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This is a good thing you have written for us all. Thanks alot. I use PublishOx and i have been having a great experience from it. Good article

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanx stella. Aperciate your word. Giid to knwo that lot lot of people out here are also in publish0x

$ 0.00
4 years ago

The earnings on have been much more than publish0x lately. I’m not even posting there!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Haha yes it is inorder to earn more you nedd to creat a good content as most of the writer out there are hars core type max ..

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I already signed up there.and email them for becoming author.but still they didnt permit me for writing😥but its true that read cash is much better than that.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Haha that might be because they are not in favour of your article. Else they will surely aprove you .ll just like in my case

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes those are the fact about publishOx, I am a menber too and it's a wonderful site. You dint need to invest, you just need to write and tip

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yup that what is saying. Goid to hear that here are lots of publish0x member. Hoping to see you out there man

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes that's the fact about publishOx, I am a member too

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I applied for author and its been 4days now. They didnt approve. I think I wont get approval. I will be quitting publisox. With those tips I may require hundred years to withdraw money. Haha

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Sory to hear that but you can try ahain if you have any article you have writen by your own. Arealy good article will do it

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I cant apply again actually. You can only apply once. And I gave them the link of my own article.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Sory to hear that but it good that you are in as it has more eaening potential than publish0x. I think

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yeah. I love . It is amazing platform. But recently they are paying very less. It is really tough to collect 1$.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes it is bit it maniky because of the fluctuation in the btc value. But if you write good cintent then you can earn more

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I am new on publis0x..I needed the tips actualy! THANK YOU FOR THIS USEFUL POST.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hey arva this topic will be very useful special for you i think. As i am making mostly for the beginnees who are new in publish 0x

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You are in publishox Abothe? Recently i have started to work in It and published my first article. If you are working in publishox, please try to follow my post.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

sure munia tell me your acount name so that i can follow you. It nice to meet some one who is also in publish0x

$ 0.00
4 years ago

What kind of articles are getting more tips there from your experience? Does authors who write articles about cryptos get more tips than other writers? because that's what I noticed there.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes2 that is absolutely true unlike in the environment in publish0x is not deversified.people who arite goid article about crypto only get more tips and earning

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yeah that's what i've noticed during my very short experience there. Thanks for answering my question

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you @Abothe for this article. Actually, I am a reader on Publishox. I don't want to be a writer as I don't want my articles on to feature on Publishox so that nobody can talk about copy and paste or plagiarism.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks for sharing your experince . But in publish0x there can be no plagarism if the moderator found anything relating to plagarism then your article will be automatically removes.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

OK. I always like to learn. I feel happy as you shed light on this issue. Thank you a lot.

$ 0.00
4 years ago