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A friend is one of the rarest blessing to a man. A real friend is an asset. He who is deprived of at least one good friend is deprived of something that can't be replaced in any way. So we need a good friend. Because a good friend is he who is ready to share equally the joys of prosperity and the sufferings of adversity.. A good friend is like a comrade always ready to come forward with a helping hand Whenever necessary. He is always a sincere well wisher. While choosing a friend, one must seek one of a truthful nature. A friend is a person who is to be taken in confidence. A good friend is that person to whom we can open our heart. So, we should choose such friends as we can trust. Friendship is assumed to be everlasting. So one must choose tolerant and forbearing persons as friends. So we choose a good friend in our life.

Thank you to all...

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Friendship mane bondutto. Ja chara duniye ocol. Bondhu na thakle buja jai kmn lage. Je kotha apni ma baba k o bolte parben na kintu bondho k tiki bolte parben.

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4 years ago

Yes, friendship means friendship without which the world is useless. You are right. We need friends in social life ...

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4 years ago

Friendship hosse ekti modhur somporko. Duniya te bondhu emon ekjon manus jar sathe apni apnar sukh dukkho somosto kisu share korte paren.

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4 years ago

Friend is for ever. Without friend we can not speak. I am very happy to read out this post. Thanks.

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4 years ago

If we found a treue friends in our life we are so lucky,,, Thanks for your nice comment. Keep reading my article and comment and like there...Thank you..

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4 years ago

Friendship is a relationship that no one can ever come between. Only a friend can do what he can't do. Speaking is with us in all cases. Many thanks to the author anyway

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4 years ago

You are right that friendship is a relationship where everyone has to be one ..... yes one can never be successful one has to have someone by his side .. Thank you for your valuable feedback ...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Friendship is very good relation.

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4 years ago

I spend a lot of time with friends. I need friends to discuss different types of sports. So I hang out with friends for a while after all the work. A.

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4 years ago

Friendship is a very big and important element ... No one can be successful without friendship. Having friends means having a partner in life ... So there is no way to live

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4 years ago

It is impossible to live life without friendship ... So I have to love my friend. There are many types of work in life that no one can do without a friend, so I support my friends very much ...

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4 years ago

My best friend 2 I love them very much and my best friend is my life partner. He supports me a lot. I love him very much ...

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4 years ago

And maintaining friendship and maintaining friendship is a very important thing about your article. Reading this article, you can understand what friendship is. This story of yours is very beautiful

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4 years ago

There are no crying friends in life, everyone has friends because parents, friends, college friends, everyone has friends, but the real friend is the one who is always by the side of danger. So guys find real friends and use the time

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4 years ago

Friend is very important in my daily life.But honest friend.Nice your post

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4 years ago

Friend is the blessings of God. I have many friends. They are good personality. I love them and they also love me. We spend many time with together.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Very nice article. Your content is good. Thanks for sharing this article.

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4 years ago

A friedship so important in part of life. A ture friend a niver diea. a good friend never indeed. thnaks you so much a good article published.

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4 years ago

Friendship is a thing that can conquer everything. But it is very difficult to maintain this relationship. Guys have to be by their side all the time.

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4 years ago

Friendship is better than any other relation in the world. We all need a best friend in our life. Thank you so much

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4 years ago

Friendship is a relationship where all relationships agree. We all have some friends who are incomparable. Without them, we would be nothing.

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4 years ago

Every realtion first start on friendship. Its a very meaningful word. Not everyone maintain the realtion. Its is a pure love realtion

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Friensh is the best relationship. I like your article.. Your article is very interesting.. Thanks for sharing.. Keep it up

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4 years ago

Friendship is the sweetest relationship ever. We can share everything with our friends. They plays an important role in our life. They help us and stay with us in our good and bad times.

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4 years ago

Friendship is a relationship where all kinds of relationships mean rates. If a good friend is by your side all the time, then nothing else is needed. Anyway thanks a lot to the author for sharing the article with us.

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4 years ago

Thanks for your nice comment.

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4 years ago

Yes bro friendship is a relationship where there are no barriers and no bad feelings ... A good friend will always be by your side, that's normal ... Thanks for the comment ...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Friendship is good relation.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Happy is right, friendship is a really good relationship. Thank you for your valuable feedback. We hope you will stay with us and give us such valuable feedback.

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4 years ago

Friendship is a relationship that is never broken. Those who understand the meaning of friendship never want to lose a friend ... So friendship is a very important relationship that lasts a lifetime ...

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4 years ago

You are right,, friendship is a relationship which nevers broken. If someone find a true friend we are he or she is lucky.. Thank you.

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4 years ago

So friendship cannot be ignored to survive in life ... A good friend can keep himself and the other well and be by his side in danger ... So there is no alternative to a friend.

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4 years ago

A good friendship is a blessing for you and a friend who has the right to share each other's joys and sorrows. He becomes a real friend who is by his side in danger ...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I agree with your idea. Your idea is very effective. Friend is the best person in our life. We cannot exist without friend . Thank you. I sub you. Please sub back.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Friendship is very essential part of our life. I can not go happily without friend. Thank you writer.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

বন্ধু ছাড়া কি জীবন চলে!জীবনের প্রতিটা বিষয়েই বন্ধুদের অবদান থাকে।আমি আমার বন্ধুদের খুব ভালোবাসি,তাদের ছাড়া চলা অসম্ভব জানি একদিন তো একাই চলতে হবে।

$ 0.00
4 years ago

বন্ধুত্ব অন্যতম মূল্যবান একটি সম্পর্ক। বন্ধু ছাড়া জীবন অচল। জীবনে চলার পথে সব জায়গাতেই আমাদের বন্ধুর প্রয়োজন হয়।

$ 0.00
4 years ago

বন্ধুর গুরুত্বকে কেউ কখনো অস্বীকার করতে পারবে না। পৃথিবীতে এমন কোনো মানুষ নেই যে তার বন্ধু নেই ।

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Friend is gifted to God. It is very essential part of our life. Friendship is the inevitable part of our education.

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4 years ago

Friendship is the most important part of our life. True friend is just like an asset. We can share our happiness, sadness everything with our friend.

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4 years ago

Friendship is good relationship.i have a good friend.firndship is the most important part of our life.

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4 years ago

Friend is al was good friend.

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4 years ago

The life of someone you want to get to? Put it over with love, not with friendship. You can not lose, but never lost the love of friendship

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4 years ago

If my friend can do the most to be just friends. I do not have any resources to give him. If he knows that I love him happy, he did not ask for any reward. The friendship is not in heaven?

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4 years ago

Friendship is a most valueable things of life.We cannot buy it,we have to earn is a very special thing.

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4 years ago

A good friend is like a comrade always ready to come forward with a helping hand Whenever necessary.

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4 years ago

Friendship is very good relation.without a good friend man cannot be happy.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Friendship is very important matter for a parson. Without a good friend man cannot be happy. Thank you

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4 years ago