Myths our parents told us 2

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2 years ago
Topics: Myths

Here is the link to myths our parents told us 1

We all grew up hearing different myths from our parents. Some were funny, some were motivational, and some were just plain old made-up stories. But we believed them all! Here are a few of the most common myths our parents told us, and the truth behind them.

If you have a fallen tooth 🦷

As a kid, if one of your teeth should pluck out, you need to count small stones of the number of your age, i.e if you are 10, you'll take 10 stones plus the plucked teeth, then throw on the roof of the house.

They further scared us that if a lizard should see the tooth on the roof and swallows it, the tooth wouldn't grow a new one. I loved that as a kid, till the extent that I interior remove some tooth that were just shaking a little bit.

Coconut water 🥥

Our parents knew coconut water is sweet, and most times they order us to break coconut for them. So in order for us not to drink the coconut water, they came up with a myth that if a child should drink coconut water, such child would be dull.

When they say dull they really meant dullard. They told us such child won't be brilliant academically wise. No child wants to get dull. So whenever they send me to crack coconut, I never tried tasting it not to talk of drinking it.

Not until I grew up and realized what I missed as a child. If coconut water really makes one a dullard, then I won't be here writing this article.

Do not play in the rain, you will turn into fish. 🌧️ 🐟

As children, we loved playing in the rain. We'd run outside once rain is falling, putting on our underwear only. We enjoyed doing that, but little did we know the risks in it.

Our parents knew it was dangerous for us to bath in the ice-like rain. So they developed the myth so we would be afraid of getting into the rain. No one wants to turn to a fish, so we run into the house whenever it's raining.

They knew if they told us not to get into the rain, we wouldn't listen. But despite the myth they said about this, I still sneak into the rain sometimes. Since then I haven't turned into a fish, still waiting for the time 😂

Don't stand at the door step while it's raining, if not, you'll get striked by thunder. ⛈️

The sound of the thunder is obviously scary. And as children, we were told not to stand at the door step while there's lightening. You know Children always want to see what is going on. Our parents needed a way to keep us from going outside when it's raining/ thundering, therefore they came up with this myth.

Satan eating my biscuit 😂

As a child, I never agreed to this myth. Though it wasn't told by all parents, some parents told their children to avoid them picking contaminated things from the floor.

The myth says "whenever your biscuit, sweet or any food/snacks falls to the ground, you shouldn't pick it up, because it has already been eaten by Satan".

And we believe Satan is under the ground, so some people don't actually pick up their biscuits when it falls, but as for me, I pick it up whenever it falls, blow the sand on it off and eat my biscuit 😂.

That was when I was a child, don't quote me wrong. I no longer take little things like that. But still if it is something expensive and I know it can be washed and become uncontaminated, my dear I'll pick up my stuff.

A pregnant woman shouldn't walk in the sun.

Truly, a pregnant woman shouldn't walk in the sun due to her situation and not because of what I'm about to write about.

They could have just gone straight to the point by saying "don't walk on the son, it's is a safety measure for you and your unborn child. But instead...

This myth says a pregnant woman shouldn't walk in the sun. If any pregnant woman does, an evil spirit baby will walk into her stomach.

No matter the gender in her womb before, the zygote will transform into a demon baby. How is this even possible.

How? Hooowww? Hoooooowwwww?😂

Closing thought;

We all remember the myths our parents told us when we were kids. These stories were usually meant to scare us, but sometimes they just served to confuse us.

The funny thing about these myths is that our parents were always serious whenever they were telling us. You wouldn't doubt them, because they will give a straight face.

And like said, though some of these myths are to deceive us, but most of it were brought up just to protect us from harm.

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Myths


There are lots of such myths. It depends on one's belief. But it's better to obey them than daring them and blaming one's self later.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometime myths is true , and there's nothing if we believe it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think the one about a pregnant woman walking around in the afternoon is true. We live in a spiritual world, things like this might be real.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haven't had a good laugh from articles in days like from Reading this article ... it cracked me up The myths were to protect us just like my parents did also when telling me about Coffee like in my last article

$ 0.00
2 years ago