The first year of fun and other activities

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2 years ago

Ling01 wrote about Valentine's Day activities that during high school days. This reminded me of what we did during my first year in high school.

I grew up in a Christian home and attended the school of our sect. A lot of other activities that other schools do is not present in our school. We didn't do a lot. It was just a small private school. For example, we haven't joined interscholastic activities. We didn't have nothing of that sort. I think the only time I get to visit another school was during an assessment exam and that's just it. We were basically just exclusively by ourselves.

I then attended high school still of our own sect but it was miles away from home. It's a big bigger than where I came from for it has both high school and elementary whereas where I attended elementary, it was just elementary then. Now they have high school too.

During my first year in high school, there were some athletic interscholastic activities that our school joined and we have had some of the best athletes that could have made it to nationals if only they wanted to but chose not to because for sure the scheduling would be in conflict with our day of worship.

Anyway, enough of that.

Talking about Valentine's Day.

On my first year of Valentine's Day, we had an activity to capture as many hearts as we can, at least for the guys. What happens is that all the ladies were given a heart cut out from cardboard. Guys would then acquire as many hearts as they can from girls and the girls would have to protect their hearts from being captured. How to capture a heart? By talking to a girl and if the girl responds verbally, then her heart has to be surrendered to the guy she was talking too.

Some girls gave their hearts right away to their crushes/boyfriends, naturally.

The trick is to talk to a girl without showing your true intention of capturing her heart. For example, I would casually ask a girl about our subject acting like I have forgotten something - you know, just acting innocently. I got a lot of hearts that way lol!

One girl in particular who fell for my trap complained to our teacher. She said that I asked her a question to which she responded right away. I told her then that her heart should be mine. However, she asked our teacher that time that the game has not started yet. Although it already did the moment they handed out the hearts. Our teacher was bias for that girl was the brightest in our class and of course the teacher agreed with her.

Love like life is unfair. You can't have it all.

I can't remember now how many hearts I have captured nor what the prize was.

One other activity we had was pageantry.

Our school then has different clubs mostly based on the subjects like Bible, Math, English, Filipino, Science, Social Studies. I belonged in Math club that time. We are allowed to change clubs freely.

Each club has to come up with a gown made from recyclable materials. Although our club won the most awards, the major awards still went to the other club thus making our club second place. It was a fun night. There were lots of cheers and jeers from every club.

Both these activities were stopped throughout the succeeding years that I have been there in that school. I'm not exactly sure why the school decided to not go on with those activities.

Other activities were card and poster making and classroom decoration and of course the notes from secret admirers and the notes you sent to your crushes. And to those who can afford it, flowers and chocolates and balloons.

Ah, those were the days of young love!

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2 years ago


Na miss ko tuloy manghuli ng ikakasal during Valentine's Day Kuya Lee , never akong hinuhuli nung highschool eh haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha! Yan ang wala sa amin nun.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Same thing we used to do in my elementary days. Hehe Valentine's Day was way special when I was young because that's one of the time where I can say I love you mom/dad. Hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's sweet of you :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I remember attending a simulation wedding of my friend as she was being paired with my classmate to marry in the marriage booth thing on a Valentine's day. I kinda miss that moment; when red hearts are all around the corner.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That was memorable for sure :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I DNT have much to say about Valentines day celebration...the only few times I tried to get along were when I attended a church organized Valentine's program. They didn't allowed us to win hearts lol🤣🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lol! Maybe now you can celebrate it in your own way :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kakamiss mga school activities before, lalo na sa highschool talaga. Ang bian nga naman ng teacher ng girl na nacapture mo kuya hahaha. Unfair nga. 🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Aeee pag may mga event tlga sa school, mas gusto ko tlga yun hahhaa. I remember parati pa ako nag audition ng sayaw. Hahahaa nkakamiss ang mga ganito nuh pag valentines kasi may mga secret admirer kang malalaman.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ang saya naman ng first activity, bakit wala kaming ganito haha sobrang unique magawa nga para sa students ko soon:D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nkakamiss mga panahon na yun..haha.d tga mkakalimutan school days

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What a memories during highschool years sir lee. How cute the first activity. I never experience like that activity in our school. The pageantry it's always sir lee. Every department has a candidate. It's the most enjoyable activities at our school especially when the students were shouting the one who were their bet. The most happy one. So unforgettable.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I spent my first year in highschool at a private school and from there I learned that it is different. We cannot participate in quiz bees with other schools as our opponent. There are alot of things that we're missing.

In private school there are more things offered. During the love month, there is blind date, group singing contest and a lot more. We were required by our class president to wear red tops too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are a tricky person dear. Well you should teach me the way dear.

$ 0.00
2 years ago