You want to get up early, but, the sheets stick to you like a second skin!

Surely almost all of us have heard about the importance of getting up very early in the morning to start the day on the right foot. This is a golden rule of all the great wellness gurus and entrepreneurship leaders, as well as highly successful people who have managed to achieve their goals in life.

There is a lot of talk about ritualizing the hours we are going to dedicate to our nightly rest, as well as to that wonderful moment that the sunrise offers us a new day, a moment that many cannot enjoy because their body simply does not respond to the insistent call of the alarm clock and they inevitably stay glued to the sheets for another day, promising that tomorrow they will wake up early!

It's like those who start a new diet and at the slightest temptation they forget everything and swear that next week they will start with more strength ... or those who started in the gym and as the first day they leave with the body all sore, well, the next day they start looking for excuses Please, seriously!

I'll tell you something! apart from lighting scented candles, arrange your bed in the most beautiful way... clean sheets and all the implements to sleep comfortably. Stop using any electronic device just when you go to bed. Don't eat in a copious way at night, if you can, stop eating dinner, or eat dinner before 8:00 pm. and so many other recommendations that I have read from many experts, honestly, the only thing that worked for this former Owl (female)- hahaha, by the way, I always wondered how the female Owl was called- excuse the interruption, I continue, the only thing that really worked for me was to stop being lazy and take a cold water bath every day and that's it, holy remedy!

The truth is that I think we always look for the excuse to stay stuck in our negative habits, because we are used to them and that's all it is: habit! The moment we really want to make the change it will be quick and easy because we will really want to do it. And I think that's the most complicated thing to find the trigger to make that change that we want so much in our life.

I was an inveterate night owl at 50 years old and I decided to change and I wanted to find out what the world was like at 4:00 am, and here I am enjoying the silence, the cold, the tranquility and peace that one breathes at that hour. A wonderful time to meditate and be alone with the most important person in your life: you!

What I recommend you to really detach yourself from that second skin that are your sheets: Do it now, do not think about it, get in the shower and.... don't count, don't breathe, open the cold water faucet and take a shower, hold on as long as you can, and then get dressed, have a cup of tea, or your coffee, and then, you can invent a new routine: meditate, exercise, start reading, work on your ideas or projects, write for short, get creative, but, don't even dream of going back to those sheets, because, if I'm not going to get you out of that bed myself, I swear!

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@AMA-T posted 2 years ago
