Comfort is killing us!

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2 years ago (Last updated: 1 year ago)

Undoubtedly, one of the best gifts that modernity has brought to our lives is comfort! Living comfortably makes life less painful, complicated, hard...! Because, just imagine us in the rude task of chasing our food, or on the contrary, running away so as not to be someone else's food! The truth is that when one sees what happened to the famous "Paleo Man", one can only exclaim: What we were saved from!

But, do not believe that all is well in the realm of modernity because today many scientists with evidence in their hands point out that the fact of adapting so much to this life full of many comforts has ended up affecting, in one way or another, the innate capabilities of our immune system and, therefore today we are weaker than before so we are doomed to lead a life exposed to multiple diseases and degenerative damage that affect our quality of life despite living surrounded by comforts.

In this sense, much has been said, for example, about the diet of paleo man and the benefits at the evolutionary level that originated in this important period in which we became capable of consuming large intakes of food, and then plunged into periods of prolonged fasting in which hunting activity was almost nil due to inclement weather. This provided us with a genetic composition capable not only of withstanding long periods of fasting, but, what is even more important: capable of self-regenerating during those periods. Conclusion: if we stop eating for well-structured periods of time, we will not die ipso facto, but rather regenerate cellularly!

This has already been scientifically proven and, it is public and notorious, since it has generated an endless number of methods, practices, treatments... Such as the well-known "Intermittent Fasting" so fashionable these days.

In this sense, much has been said, for example, about the diet of paleo man and the benefits at the evolutionary level that originated in this important period in which we became capable of consuming large intakes of food, and then plunged into periods of prolonged fasting in which hunting activity was almost nil due to inclement weather. This provided us with a genetic composition capable not only of withstanding long periods of fasting, but, what is even more important: capable of self-regenerating during those periods. Conclusion: if we stop eating for well-structured periods of time, we will not die ipso facto, but rather regenerate cellularly!

This has already been scientifically proven and, it is public and notorious, since it has generated an endless number of methods, practices, treatments... Such as the well-known "Intermittent Fasting" so fashionable these days.

But if this is a truth already publicly known, how is it that this modern world insists that we eat not only more every day, but worse, in the end, it is certainly not the idea that to eat better we have to return "literally" to the Paleo world and take the spear to run after our food! No... Believe me, that's not the idea of eating better! But neither, that you go placidly ransacking the shelves of the grocery store while putting in the shopping cart those "prefabricated molds" of sugar, refined flour, saturated fats... that a billionaire industry calls "food"!

Somehow or other we have to find a point of balance for the benefit of our overall health and well-being! Which does not mean that in order to stop being those weak and vulnerable beings we have become we have to abandon modern life and its comfort forever.

Now what we should avoid building around us is that kind of bubble that we no longer want to get out of, because we get used to living an extremely comfortable existence, and we all know that living like that is nothing more than a deception in the end. A fictitious way of coping with the rigors of real life, oh no?

You know the saying: "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger", because behind this phrase there is a whole science that has its origin in a process called Hormesis.

Hormesis can be defined as "the process by which exposure to a low dose of a chemical agent or environmental factor, which is harmful at high doses, induces an adaptive response and/or a beneficial effect in the cell or organism" Source: Google.

We know that in this world everyone does what he/she wants to do! In the end, those who want to remain immersed in their pleasant bubble will stay there, but if you've come this far, it's for a reason! So let's get out of our comfort zone and get moving!

And for you to see that teaching our organism to leave laziness behind and readapt again to less comfortable living conditions is a powerful tool to increase our well-being, just take a look at the "not comfortable" routines of some of the most prominent CEOs in the world. These people are smart, so they take the trouble to get out of their comfort zone for a reason!

Let's start with the men of the little blue bird...🤔 God, it sounded like weird, right! lol🤭 Let's get it straight:! Jack Dorsey creator of Twitter, and Elon Musk current owner of the company!

In Dorsey's case, his routine starts at 5:00 am time when he usually gets up. And as, it has become customary for most CEOs, the cold shower as soon as he jumps out of bed cannot be missed!!!. He uses the first hours of the morning to meditate and then go for a run. When he has to go to his office, he walks -yes, he doesn't go by car or subway, he uses something called feet-! Because this makes him "feel alive" as well as taking advantage of the moment to think.

The thing about exposing himself to cold temperatures he has taken very seriously so he usually does it every afternoon, but, before this he remains 15 minutes sitting in a sauna set at 104 degrees Celsius, and then immerses himself in ice for 3 minutes at a temperature of 2.8 degrees Celsius. This man works 12 hours a day and claims to stay healthy and full of energy. -If this is not an anti-comfort ritual, I don't know what else is!

While on Mr. Musk's side, we don't really find anything in particular in terms of rituals or habits with which he usually goes out of his comfort zone, however, the fact that he is the richest and most influential man in the world -really quite a character- makes us pry a little bit into his day to day life.

His activities start at 7:00 in the morning and last until 1: 00, or, 2:00 in the morning. Previously Musk worked 20 hours a day, 7 days a week, alternating few hours of rest, but, after some inconveniences, he understood that this routine was killing him.

So the richest man in the world decided to make changes in his exhausting work routine which made it clear to him that: "No one should spend so many hours at work. You're going to go a little crazy if you work 120 hours a week". So like the vast majority of normal people in the world he decided to give himself a day off so that he now works 6 days a week from 7:00 am to 2:00 am.

After seeing how Elon Musk manages his exhausting work schedule, one understands that even though he lives surrounded by all the luxuries and comforts, there is something deep inside him that leads him to demand great sacrifices.

Perhaps, this has to do a little with the not very comfortable life he had to live at his father's side. Particularly I do not share the excess of work as a way to reach success because in the end health is recent and, in this article when we talk about leaving the comfort and get out of our comfort zone to activate our immune system we refer to small activities that we can perform alternatively to our daily routines without this implies an overload for our body.

Perhaps, this has to do a little bit with the not very comfortable life she had to live at her father's side. Particularly I do not share the excess of work as a way to reach success because in the end health is recent and, in this article when we talk about leaving the comfort and get out of our comfort zone to activate our immune system we refer to small activities that we can perform alternately to our daily routines without this implies an overload for our body.

In fact, taking the example of Elon Musk, and his overwork, he claimed that this intense period of work "literally" ended up making his head hurt from so much thinking, noting: "I burned a lot of neurons". So, no, we don't want to burn our brain cells, do we! -So let's get to work and produce quality content here at Read-Cash, but you know, no more typing until your fingers bleed and your brain cells explode!

I'm not going to dwell on the habits and life rituals of famous CEOs, because, the truth is that emulating the behavior of the most successful ones so that something sticks to you is something very personal for each person. If you think that doing this will achieve some benefit, just do it! If not, look for your own anti-comfort rituals and put them into practice as soon as possible, because of one thing you can be sure your immune system will begin to respond positively to those stimuli with which you test the capacity and resistance of your body and believe me that leaving, little by little, of your comfortable bubble will begin to bear fruit making you a healthier person and with the ability to resist the onslaught of this comfortable, but stressed modern life!

But just in case you have no idea where to start, here are some interesting suggestions!

*Keep in mind that there are two "biomechanical wonders" that the vast majority of people count on and that are used less and less every day. Some will say: what a laziness, why am I going to walk if I have a vehicle! Why am I going to climb the stairs if we have elevators!...Anyway, why am I going to use those two legs they gave me! Walking! My God, what a waste of time! because, the most important thing is to get everywhere faster, right! ...No! Believe me, the most important thing is to take care of your health so you can enjoy all those things you set out to do in this life! So, for the love of God, try to use your legs as much as you can!

But just in case you have no idea where to start, here are some interesting suggestions!

*Keep in mind that there are two "biomechanical wonders" that the vast majority of people count on and that are used less and less every day. Some will say: what a laziness, why am I going to walk if I have a vehicle! Why am I going to climb the stairs if we have elevators!...Anyway, why am I going to use those two legs they gave me! Walking! X God, what a waste of time, because, the most important thing is to get everywhere faster, right! ...No! Believe me, the most important thing is to take care of your health so you can enjoy all those things you set out to do in this life! So, for the love of God, try to use your legs as much as you can!

* Climbing as many stairs as you can will be a good start!

* You could also leave the car and walk once in a while!

*Take a cold bath!

And many will wonder! Why the hell am I going to torture myself with cold water if I have my water heater? And I ask you: What beach, river, lagoon have you bathed in that in relatively "normal" temperature conditions the water is as hot as the one you put in your shower? Let us not deceive ourselves that these pleasures of modern life do not exist in nature and that is why our organism has the innate capacity to activate thermal self-regulation as a mechanism to cope with the onslaught of the climate.

However, little by little, we have been losing this ability by letting any external appliance such as air conditioners, or water heaters do the work for us. Please, it is not that you need to immerse yourself every day in ice like the Win Hof method followers! But with you progressively stopping turning the heater on once or twice a week is a good start, and then when you can do it daily then go for that ice shower! -I can't take a bath anymore if I don't do it with cold water!

The ice thing I have not been able to do because here in my country ice bags are expensive and I would need several, so I just put some bottles of water in the fridge to cool and then I take my shower with cold water Excellent!

By the way, I have been using the Wim Hof method for 15 days now, both the breathing and the cold baths as a challenge and, to tell the truth, I feel quite good. I am curious that recently in my house there was a common cold that everyone got except me... Interesting isn't it!... I will tell you more about this challenge and how I ended up doing, for the moment let's continue with the subject of the article.

Other incursions out of our bubble can be: "Intermittent Fasting", or "Respiratory Apnea", this last one is also part of the "Wim Hof" method. Obviously, all the stimuli or "hormesis" to which you expose your body must be done progressively and always under the supervision of a health professional!

Before I go I'd love to hear from you in the comments what you'd be willing to do to get out of your comfortable bubble once in a while and start boosting your health!!!!

I hope to see you next "Monday, of Challenges and Changes 💪😃! where we'll tackle another interesting topic that will make us reflect on those things we should change to be that better version of us!

:::::::::::*::Let's not be afraid! ::::::::*Let's challenge ourselves to see who wins!::::::*


For the moment I say goodbye, but not before telling you that here I will be writing articles about wellness, physical, mental and spiritual health, and all those topics that can help us to fall in love every day more of these avatars🕴👯that we had to be in this Matrix 👾 🤖 so fun and unique in which we live!

Greetings to all, an online hug from Venezuela🙂✌️ !

...and remember first of all just LOVE YOURSELF !


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Written by
2 years ago (Last updated: 1 year ago)


comfort will kill us, comfort in life often makes us lazy to do the work.

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2 years ago