My Spiritual Journey (Part 5)

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2 years ago

Ministry of Help (Part 2)

To My mother

After the death of my older sister in Feb. 2009, we , (my husband, and my eldest son) permanently stayed in the house, so that my aged mother and PWD youngest sister had companion and be taken cared of.

I took the responsibility of taking care of my aged mother and PWD sister, since I was the one available to take care of them. I have accepted this situation, that it was God's leading for me , and the time that God allowed for me to show my love and concern to my aged mother and PWD sister which I have not so done for them.

Looking back in the past years, in my younger days living with my parents, my older sisters and brothers were her constant companions and can help and serve my parents.

For when I was in high school and college , even when I have work, I am so much busy outside our home. That was the time that I was very active in my church activities, especially during Sundays. When I work and having activities in church at the same time, I just go home to eat and to sleep. My only contribution to household chores was to wash dishes, since I had four older sisters then.

So on that time that I was the one available to take care of them, it was easier for me to accept the responsibility without any question or resistance.

Having such a responsibilities between my loved ones and my own family , I needed good health, guidance, wisdom, love, patience and perseverance. And it is through God' s help alone, I can be able to do my responsibilities with diligence , and to the best that I could do and give.

My Spiritual Refuge

Living now in the province with my loved ones and family, and away from the Church , I usually attend before, for my source of spiritual nourishment and encouragement, I prayed to God that He will lead me to a Church with the same faith & practice I had ever since.

During my childhood days here in the province, there was only Catholic Church and Methodist Church. My father was a Catholic while my mother was a Methodist. I remember I go to the Catholic Church then. But when my mother became a member of the Methodist Church, she took me there to be taught by teachers songs and Bible stories . And when I come back to live here on that time 2008, there were lots of religions in our community.

Knowing then the Biblical truths being taught to me during my teen age years up to adulthood , I cannot compromise the faith that I had by attending other church that faith and practices are different from the truths I had known, hold on to and practice.

The Lord answered my prayer to find a church with same faith and practice that I had . I found it in the next Baranggay in our place after asking my relatives. I attended there with my husband and eldest son . It was the Bible Baptist Church in Estrella, Rizal Nueva Ecija . We continued in attending the Worship Services & other Services. We did not transferred our membership here, but we were allowed to participate in having ministry to serve God, after faithfully worshipping the Lord with them and having fellowship with them. I taught in Sunday School in the Children's Dept. every Sunday. And during vacation time in Daily Vacation Bible School (DVBS).My husband , was assigned to conduct a Bible Study in the Municipality of Rizal by schedule . My husband and I joined the choir, and render special number. Somehow such activities we had in church helped me maintain my spiritual journey in, strengthening my faith , by the continued hearing and learning the word of God.

As days passed by , my mother due to old age became weak and sickly until she was bedridden. I took good care of her physically and by all means lead her in her spiritual needs . She was worried then regarding my PWD sister and I assumed her that I will be taking care of her .Just like my father before she died Jan. 2014, she professed faith in Christ.

Church 's Help Availed

From Bible Baptist Church of Caloocan

I requested our Pastor in Bible Baptist Church , who is my brother in law to conduct a Funeral Service at the internment of my father in St Joseph Memorial Park, in Rizal , Nueva Ecija. The Pastor came with other members of the Church. An opportunity to reach my loved ones and relatives who were present on that day to hear the word of God preached.

From Bible Baptist Church, Estrella, Rizal, Nueva Ecija

At the last day of wake of my older sister, they conduct Funeral Service at the house. I requested it , for it was a good opportunity for my relatives, neighbors and friends who will be there on the last night wake to hear the preaching of God's word regarding the gospel of salvation.

The same Church conducted a Funeral Service at the last night wake of my mother and during her internment at St. Joseph Memorial Park. This was the third time my closest relatives, neighbors and friends could hear again the preaching of God's word. It was really my heart's desire for them to know the gospel of salvation, since I cannot do it for them one on one personally. I feel I owe them to know it for them also to have the hope I have in Christ regarding the salvation of their souls.

Ministry of Help (Part 2)

To my PWD sister

After the death of my mother I assumed full responsibility to my PWD sister with the assistance of my husband and eldest son . The school supplies business we had previously when we reside in Manila , we continued in the province. Our joint efforts in vending school supplies in front of the school , as our source of income sustained our daily needs. Additional financial help came from my older sister who then resides in Canada.

Taking care of my PWD sister was made easier , was made easier for me , by the financial help of my two other sisters. I thanked God that my sister didn't get sick , that were serious, only common & curable kind of sickness. God spared us from dangers from typhoons that hits our province during those times.

There was an unexpected and unforgettable event that shook my faith causing me to faint and feel weak. And this, I will be sharing to you on my next article .

To conclude this article , I say,

Having had such experiences in life regarding the deaths of my loved ones, made me to realize that death is sure to come to anyone at the appointed time just what the Bible says in :

Hebrews 9:27 - And as it is appointed unto men, once to die, but after this the judgment.

The Lord entrusted my departed loved ones to me, to be by their side at the time they needed me. And I thanked God , I was there with them to make them feel my presence, my love and care for them up to their last breath. I cared for them giving them physical aides, and to the best of my ability and capability by the grace of God giving them guide and lead them spiritually to know Christ and personally accept Him as personal Saviour. I don't actually know what is in their hearts and mind but they professed faith in Christ.

Accdg. to the Bible anyone who come in faith to Christ confessing their sins to God asking for forgiveness , and trusting and believing and accepting Christ to be Saviour, God acknowledge it by giving the power to become His child to inherit eternal life in heaven because of Christ.

The Bible so declares these truths in : . . 1 John 5:11-12KJV - 11 And this is the record that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. 12 He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

John 1:12 - But as many as received Him (Christ) to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe in His name.

I believe anyone who by faith believed in the revealed word of God the Bible, all the promises of God and claiming it for himself can be fully assured of heaven whom God prepared in eternity as their abode in eternity to be with God.

Heaven is a prepared place for anyone who prepared himself here on earth before death would come to him. To be prepared is to accept Christ as personal Saviour and Lord of your life . Putting your faith in Christ's finished work of salvation on the cross of Calvary . By His precious blood shed on the cross, we can have the forgiveness of our sins, by His death He paid the penalty of our sins (condemnation in hell for eternity), by His resurrection from the dead, eternal life is secured in heaven.

#1 Article for Month of June, 2022
My Spiritual Journey (Part 5)
Ministry of Help (Part2)
Published: June 1, 2022 -
Wednesday - 2:04 pm

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2 years ago


Dios le bendiga hermana. Un gusto conocerle por este medio . Soy nueva en read cash. Soy de Venezuela . Ya le estoy siguiendo. Dios le siga dando paz y fortaleza por la perdida de sus seres queridos!!

$ 0.01
2 years ago