My Amarillo Plant Story

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2 years ago

It's Source

I was fascinated by the beauty and color of the flower of Amarillo plant of one of my neighbor. She has lots of Amarillo plant in front of her store. It bears lots of yellow orange flowers and was so nice to look at.

My generous neighbor who owns the Amarillo plant

So when I went to buy something in her store, I requested her to give me some of her Amarillo plants. She did not deny my request, in fact she was happy to give me lots. She told me the Amarillo plants are just easy to grow and to care.

Amarillo plant seedlings given

I planted it in the space outside our fence in front of the house. I think I had 10 seedlings of it that I planted before it wilts. Since it was rainy season the plants didn't die but grow faster and healthy.

The First Flower

After a month the Amarillo plants has grown bigger and has lot of branches. Out of the ten , one of them bears lots of flower buds. I was happy seeing it that way . Among the buds one of it bloom into flower. It was the first flower. It was yellow orange in color. I was happy seeing it and get excited and took a photo of it.

Then one day the flower has gone, somebody pick it. Disappointment struck me but I just console myself because in that same plant there are yet coming flowers to bloom just only have to wait for few days. So the time came and the Amarillo plant flower buds bloom. There were five of them.

The Second Set of Flowers

The second set of bloom flowers of Amarillo plant

I was so happy that though the first flower was picked by someone I do not know who it was, was replaced by five pcs. of flowers.

One Flower Missing

This morning Oct. 3, Monday, I woke up early. As I peep outside the window , I saw the sky was dark , a sign that rain is coming. Since it was not raining yet, I go outside and unlocked our gate . I went outside the gate to check on my Amarillo plant which had five flowers in bloom yesterday. I counted the flowers and it was only four now. Somebody has pick one flower. I thought I have made myself clear to the kids around our place.

I really can't understand why that somebody need to pick it, and not just be contented seeing the beauty of flowers in bloom and always fresh , than pick it and let it wilt. And why do it on my plant and not on theirs. How I wish plants can talk and can shout and ask help if someone try to pick her. Or if only plants can talk I think it will scold the one who pick it and just play with it .

So seeing the flowers not complete disappoint me for the second time around.

My Consolations

Flower buds on the remaining Amarillo plants are showing up on its stems . There are lots of them, and I just hope that when they all bloom they will not be pick by kids. And when they all bloom I will just took photos of it, as my Consolations and remembrance of their beau

Flowers of Amarillo plants lasts for many days or weeks before it wilts and fall on the ground to propagate again. But and if it will be pick at once I had no more flowers to cheer me up to greet me every morning as I will visit.

My Lessons Learned

Flowering plants in the surroundings makes the place lovelier to look at . They decorate the surroundings with their beautiful colors . They give a feeling of more satisfaction than disappointment. Though their beauties passed for a moment yet they will not leave you comfortless for at the right time with you tender loving care to them flowers will sprung up again to cheer you up and beautify your surroundings all over again.

Beauty of flowers are truly irresistible, and I can't blame the kids to pick it , to handle it with joy for a moment. It's nice to experience that plants are not denying us of having more of their flowers one after another to enjoy .

Though kids could pick flowers of my plants, I think that would not hinder me to plant and care for flowering plants. It gives me more pleasure , and excitement rather than disappointments. I may feel disappointed but I just don't let it overwhelms me.

I shall be sharing my photos in the coming days as some of my flowering plants , as simple as they are shows their beauties.

I shall feature each of them here in my community.

Once again I invite you to join me here to share your pets and plants experiences with them to learn something from, to enjoy and be entertained.

I will appreciate your positive response to my invitation.

Have a blessed day everyone. Thanks for giving time to read.

#1 Article as Oct. 2022
Title: My Amarillo Plant Story
Published: Oct. 3, 2022
Monday - 11:55 am

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$ 0.02 from @KatinessEverdeen
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2 years ago


Iconvince ko kya si papa magblog. Hehe. Dami tanim yun hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Why not. If it's you who will persuade him , I think he will. With much friends and fun that you are enjoying as much as the earnings, in blogging , I think he will not have second thoughts about it .

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As like you I also love gardening and my mum too nowadays my mother has planted jasmine flowers and I hope within month they will bloom, I hope I'm future I will be having my own garden too haha because I can't keep myself from spending time at natural places and planting flowers

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Anyone who loves the beauty of nature , comes the natural feeling of expressing it through planting and caring for flowering plants. And am sure , having such passion , no doubt you can have your own beautiful and colorful garden.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My mother loves gardening and we also have these flowers in our garden. They don't need extra care and attention. Once they grow they look so attractive and I love clicking my pictures between them they enhance the beauty of pictures

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well you are right. They easily survived, bear more flowers, and mind you their flowers stays long that you can truly enjoy their beauty , making your surroundings attractive and colorful . They easily propagate too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago