Memories Behind the Mountain Bike

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1 year ago

There are material things in life , that becomes dear to us for some important reasons . Having it gives you a feeling of happiness . It became more significant to you when you realized its usefulness and profitableness in life. You take pride in having it, realizing the concern and care of the giver of it.

This is the mountain bike , my son used this morning as I send him to make an errand for me. We run out of some stocks needed in the house. We can buy in the nearest store in our place, but because it is more expensive here I decided to send him in the market in the town proper.

The town proper here in our province is quite a far distance from our house. If you will commute by tricycle it will take you 15 minutes or more and it will cost you 120 pesos back and forth. If you use a bike going there would take you more or less an hour to go back and forth.

I usually send my son only on important errands like remitting my pension, buying groceries and medicines , paying electric bills , buying load for our internet, and for other personal reasons of my son, like having his hair cut .

He also used the bike in errands in which far distant walking is needed, to buy only an item for emergency needs in the house .

As a means of transportation , bike is needful, if you lived in the province. Tricycle for commuting going to the town proper is rare. You have to walk ten to 15 minutes going to the terminal of tricycle.

Most of the people here, those who can afford vehicles like motorcycle , tricycle , electric bike , mountain bike, ordinary bike, availed themselves to own one.

So then, I am thankful that somehow we have a mountain bike for my son to use.

The original feature of the mountain bike has no basket on the front and attached sitting tool at the back. It was only added by my husband for other purposes and as needed.

The Story Behind the Mountain Bike

The mountain bike owner was a son-in-law of my husband's father. He was an Italian and just shipped the mountain bike from Italy to Philippines for my father-in-law.

The mountain bike was only given to us, by my sister-in law , upon my husband's request when their father died. My sister in law was the one who took care of their father so all their father's belongings were left in her care . We were already living in the province , my own hometown back then when my husband requested it, because he knew it was needful. My husband's request was not denied, so he took the initiative to take it.

My husband took an effort to travel for six hours from Manila to our province, Nueva Ecija. Travelling by commuting in a bus then to jeepney then to tricycle to be home was difficult , but then my husband carried it all the way with patience and perseverance, just to have a mountain bike to be used.

When we had the mountain bike , my husband used it always to go to the town proper in buying school supplies items , for we vending school supplies items near the school. It was our source of income when we lived in the province way back 2010.

But on the year 2014, my husband died. The care and used of the bike was kept in charge by my second son, who is only with me up to the present time.

From then on , the mountain bike was more than a decade with us , used by my son. It was still in a good running condition. It's been so useful and profitable.

The memories behind this mountain bike cannot be forgotten . It carries with it the sentiments of family, love, care and concern. It's just a material thing , but then had brought a significant part in our lives. It's like a member of the family that ever stayed with us and helped according to the purpose , it was created for .

Things we have , given to us or we have worked hard to have it, must be cherished and taken cared of. Give it, its proper worth & use responsibly. They are blessings of God. Things are allowed by God for us to have , for we deserve to have it. For if not, it will not be allowed to have it.

Good afternoon to everyone. Thanks for giving time to read.

#6 Article for Sept. 2022
Title: Memories Behind the Mountain Bike
Published: Sept. 29, 2022- 
Tuesday - 2:00 pm

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1 year ago


We used to have a bicycle at home. My eldest daughter is using it when she has time in the afternoon. Thanks for sharing your wonderful article.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

After reading your article i become nostalgic, i wish i would get those precious days back where i used to do a race with my brother in bicycle

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Bicycle is very helpful to your family, and nowadays it's the most practical way of transportation for us because the gasoline price is going higher. The young people in our place have their bikes, it becomes a substitute to their gaming habit.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Indeed nowadays world become materialistic everyone needs more than they have, well in my childhood I used to ride a bicycle given by my mum and I can say that those days were the precious days which will never be forgotten...

And in the end as always we should be thankful of Almighty God for giving us everything we wished for even if they are little things but we should cherish them and pay be grateful for having them.

$ 0.00
1 year ago