An Amazing Journey on Social Media

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2 years ago

The Beginning of my Journey in Social Media

Facebook is the very first venture in my journey in social media . I open my FB account , January of 2015. From then on it was my way of moving on in my life after becoming a widow on Dec. 2014. My mind being focused on my activities in my FB account , the made me to lessen thinking of the saddest moment part of my life. It took me five years of being so engrossed and active in it. It's quite amazing to note that I reached this long and far in my journey to my FB account in social media.

April 2021 culminates my being active in my fb account. The reason was , I discovered something new and different site in social media . And this site is Noise Cash.

To begin with this new journey, a throwback of memorable experiences of what had happened is what I will be sharing to you.

Noise Cash Discovered & Introduced

This site was discovered by my daughter and registered to it. Discovering & Experiencing the advantages of using this site, she introduced it to me . With the kind of persistence in persuading She was able to convince me by pointing out to me that I can use my activeness in FB as usual by posting, commenting and interacting in a more profitable way. And the profitable way is earning while enjoying what I am doing. So then, upon hearing such words of compliments and confidence in me without any more arguments or second thought I registered.

Start of the Noise Cash Journey

I registered at Noise. Cash April 9, 2021. My user name is alicia 1954. So I considered month of April a very memorable month for me in my social media journey. It is because is a new start of a new venture or journey in social media being one of an earning site .

As a newbie in the platform of noise cash it is necessary for me to know & learn, the rules , and obey it by practice.

Discovering , Learning & Practicing the Rules in Noise.Cash

Noise. Cash Rules

The rules served as my guidelines in posting my contents as well as in giving comments and interacting with users in their posts. It also served as my guide in sharing freetips to users of the platform. I just need to be responsible, honest, fair and have good management of my time, & effort towards my activities & things involved or related in using the noise .cash platform.

Managing My Subscribers

Since the beginning of my journey in I firmly obey it. I had my first sure subscribers and they are my daughter and two sons who also registered .

Posting, commenting, and interacting with users is not difficult for me for I was used doing it in my FB account. And I used these means to be noticed, and gain additional subscribers. Running out of ideas or interesting topics to post is the only thing I find difficulty of. Nevertheless I find means on how to handle it as I go along the way. Being then active in the site made me to gain additional friends and subscribers.

By April 18, 2021, I had 47 subscribers and now , April 11, 2022, I had 1,402 subscribers.

Managing My Tips

As a newbie in that time I was privilege to have free tips. These freetips were given by the admin to share to deserving users . If you are are an original good content creator of post you deserve to be given tips. At first I didn't know about it. All I know is I will share it to anyone irregardless of what kind of content the user has. In my mind I have to share it first to my relative and the remaining to others. And the amount of tips which I actually shared to them are much bigger compared to others , which later I realized was not fair and good. And such mishandling of tips were rampant in the platform and the admin of have to put an end to it.So an update was made . Giving of freetips was stopped for the time being but was restored month of December 2021. Having then learned what is good and fair, I was able to manage rightly my freetips given to me by the admin since Dec. 2021 up to now, April 2022. I am receiving 0.77 up to 0.79 maximum freetips a day and is being refilled when I am sharing it to others.

Managing My Channels

When I started using the platform I have to subscribe in chambers created by pioneering users of I subscribed to some chambers that I can relate to their rules and topic. Somehow subscribing to it made a way for me to widen the scope of my knowledge and learning with the group members in the chambers. As time goes on another update was implemented by the admin .Creating channels was introduced. When there are lots of channels were available chambers was abolished. It was then replaced by the channels.

It took me quite long to be allowed to create my own channel. And when that time came, I created my own channels which I used to freely posts my personal insights, thoughts , knowledge, beliefs and experiences.

Now I have five channels. It has not lots of subscribers yet like the other channels , but it's okey with me. I'm happy and contented having my own channel, to freely express my self without any fear of being descriminated and bashed. The recent channel that I have created was last April 7, 2022. It is A DAY TO REMEMBER. It has 24 subscribers so far.

Managing my BCH Earnings

For a year now in, I had my BCH earnings. It's not quite much compared to others of my contemporaries but I am happy with it. It was inevitable for me not to convert it because circumstances or situations dictates it. It has been my only option to answer for my needs. I have converted already some amount of it to meet our needs.

I am so much thankful to noise cash, for being the means to provide such needs. And it is my wish that will continue from this day on forward. So as me and other users can continue enjoying and earning in this site.

At present I still have some BCH on hold,wishing that I can still add more to it. And I am still continuing in working it out with the support of my friends and subscribers.

Managing My 1BCH Goal

I set my goal of reaching 1 BCH this year 2022 . And I am working it out. This month of April I set my minimum payout to $3.00. At present I was able to reach it within two to three days. But I am hoping to lessen it to two days only. And do I have to work , work on it, by God' s grace . I pray that God will help me by giving me wisdom that I need and subscribers and friends to support me.

What Noise Cash Means to Me

After all the years I spent is social media Noise. Cash meant something to me in a special way. There was no enjoyable, challenging and very rewarding site like There are other earning sites that I came across with but this is what I liked the most and my preference.

Through the one year of staying here , had been part of my daily life. Somehow it helped me to improve my self in communication skills , in expressing myself by sharing my personal insights, thoughts, knowledge and beliefs as free as I could be .

And my final say , would be THANK YOU VERY MUCH NOISE. CASH. I am so much grateful for giving me the privilege to be part of you.

#3 Article for the Month of April 2022

April 11, 2022 - 3:34pm

$ 0.35
$ 0.34 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @ajlove14
Sponsors of ALDEC314
Avatar for ALDEC314
2 years ago


God bless po, naenjoy ako sa pagbabasa. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow laki narin po ng ipon niyo,yung sakin di naiipon l,pag nagipit kami yun agad nadudukot ko,more earnings po

$ 0.00
2 years ago