Why You Should Start Eating Plantain

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3 years ago

This morning let's talk about plantain. Do you know the benefits of plantain??

Plantain is cultivated in many tropical countries of the world, and it is known to be rich in iron, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and serotonin. Plantains are the less sweet, starchier equivalent to the banana. Sweet bananas, sometimes called dessert bananas . Although the plantain is classified as a fruit, in many countries, it is used more like a vegetable than a fruit, according to Fruits and Veggies Matter. They can be boiled, baked or fried, much like potatoes.

Cooked plantains are nutritionally very similar to a potato calorie-wise, but contain more of some vitamins and minerals. They are a rich source of fiber, vitamins A, C, and B-6, and the minerals magnesium and potassium.

Tea brewed from it leaves can be used to treat coughs and bronchitis. Also used traditionally for diarrhea, dysentery, and bloody urine. Leaves in poultice used for sores, blisters, swellings, and insect stings. They are also rich in potassium. This nutrient can help with high blood pressure because it helps work against the sodium in your diet. Plantain and Banana are both nutritious to the body .

Plantain also helps with weight loss because high-fibre foods tend to have a lower energy density, which means they provide fewer calories per gram of food. Unripe plantain is useful in the management of diabetes, treatment of anemia, and liver disorders (independent of diabetes) 

It can be enjoyed as boiled,roosted, chips, fried, make into flour and lots more... I hope you start eating plantain now....


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3 years ago


Wow nice. I will try and eat plaintain

$ 0.00
3 years ago

All thanks to you and read.cash.. now I have discovered new things about plantain.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That sounds great.... plantains are very beneficial to the body both ripe and unripe...make sure you eat it well

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes dear I always eat it and I love it so much..

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3 years ago

Yes dear very correct 💕 I love plantain! It's good for strong bones! I love it roasted (bole) ripe or unripe! Thanks for the informative article!!!

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3 years ago

Bole? Are you a Nigerian?? I love bole too...it's always delicious and yummy especially with groundnut..

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Lol yes o dear bole...my favorite especially with groundnut like you too!!! And yes am a Nigerian!!! In your language: Emi Omo naija Confirm!!!!

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3 years ago

Banana has many health benefits, eating green banana in soups stops diarrhea, we can also make desserts with it, such as: fried torticas, banana pancakes ...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Fried torticas? I haven't heard of that before.. please can you share with me the procedure for making it??

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3 years ago

To make the fried banana cake use the following ingredients: ripe banana, you can grate or chop it into small pieces, use wheat flour, sugar to taste, egg, a tablespoon of vanilla essence and water, this is placed in a cup, You give it enveloping movements, it should have consistency, that it does not remain liquid, then you place a pan in the kitchen you fry it on both sides, it should be golden and ready, it is a delight. Here I leave you the links so you can see better the recipe for fried banana cake, I also make pancakes with banana, and dessert of banana with passion fruit, review and see better the procedures, make the recipe ... https://read.cash/@mgf2394/fried-banano-cake-49858b54 https://read.cash/@mgf2394/pancakes-with-banana-a7578196 https://read.cash/@mgf2394/dessert-of-banano-with-maracuya-e8bb37f8

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3 years ago

It is far better than banana, obviously for health not in taste

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3 years ago

Of course both of them are nutritious.... But when plantain is ripe, it's sweet too..... especially fried one. Hope you like fried plantain? Have you wonder why we can't fry banana?🤔

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3 years ago

Plantains are very good and nutritious for the human body.....always take plantain

A very good health tips from you dear.....keep it up

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3 years ago

@Ajadiken am honored...I always forget the spelling of your name.... plantain is very nutritious dear.... always eat it

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3 years ago

You can call me Kenny.....I will always eat it.....please endeavour to comment and upvote my articles please.....help me tell your friends also....God bless

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3 years ago

I love taking plantain, infact, there was a day I took it as a whole day meal .i so much develop interest in taking that roasted one with groundnuts.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I can see that you really love plantain... Although I haven't tried eating it for a whole day maybe someday ... I do eat it seldomly... Do you like fried one?

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3 years ago

I love it, yes I love the fried one too

Anytime I see ripe plantain, I love to fry them.

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3 years ago

Yummy, i love it when roosted

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3 years ago

Hy dear this is a good meal, I would say. I prefer the 'boli'rosted one though .well and also the cooked one with beans is also cool.

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3 years ago

I love the ripe rooster one too with the fried one.... I might share the fried one with egg this afternoon because the way am feeling now 😆😆 I feel like eating it as lunch

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3 years ago

Arrgh don't tempt Mee .....😩😩😩😩 Stop it already well I love the plantain , potatoes chips with fried eggs oh heavens🥰🥰🥰

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3 years ago

Go home.....🗣️🗣️🗣️ home is always sweet...go and check on mum and dad....and eat their special meal ....

$ 0.00
3 years ago

🤔🤔🤔 am still thinking of that sha I just hate Lagos stressful life 😒😒😒

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3 years ago

So you live in Lagos 😊 I love Lagos fun but I don't like the way of living there ...it's always hectic... But money is there?????

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3 years ago

No dear I stay in abeokuta but my parents are in Lagos going to Lagos make me so sick , traffic is my most dreaded enemy.

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3 years ago

Nice dear

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3 years ago

Do well to eat plantain or banana because they are nutritious to the body

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3 years ago

Banana is my favourite fruit

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3 years ago

That's good to hear.... Please eat it well because it is nutritious to the body....

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3 years ago