Educating Ourselves On Winning Attitude

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3 years ago

Winners and losers are not born, they are product of our minds. Everyone is born to be great in one way or the other. Our birth is equal, we all pass through the same process but from different wombs.

Attitude is an inward feeling expressed in our behavior. It is what we learnt in the world. Even if you have what it takes to win, if your attitude is poor, you are going no where. Have you ever noticed that some our abilities is saying win but our attitude towards success is saying loose.

One thing have learnt so far in this life is that my attitude equals my behavior and it start from the inside of me to the outside of me and life works with the secret "Law of attraction". Your attitude is key

Oftentimes our attitude is the only difference between success and failure.Resources minus Right Attitude is Defeat. Right Attitude minus resources is Victory.

Resources - Right Attitude = Defeat

Right Attitude - Resources = Victory


The following are the listed resources that enable a person to achieve success; health, experiences, connections,friends, family, aptitude, money, attitude, goals.

These are resources that can enable someone achieve success, am I right?

As much as all these can enables one to achieve success, your eventual success is determined by your attitude. Your success or failure in any undertaking is caused more by mental attitude than mental capacities.

We see those who are from rich family which could have made them successful but yet they never achieved anything. We find also a poor man but with right attitude becoming more successful than anyone. Your winning attitude do not depend on your background. You work things out yourself.

Education is a good resources even health but if you minus attitude from it, you will end up defeated. You mind set will determine how well you will make profit with resources available to you.

Education - Right Attitude = Defeat

Health - Right Attitude = Defeat

Education/Health + Right Mindset = Victory.

There is a very little difference in people but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative.

You can transform a miserable experience into a highly rewarding one by your attitude. Regardless of resources available to you.

So the resources you have or you don't have is not a barrier. You can be limited only if you limit yourself.

My Tips On Attitude Application

1) Think of something that you desire. What attitude will you need to get it or achieve it. Our attitude at the beginning of a task will affect it's outcome more than anything else. Most projects fail or success before they begin. All's well that begins well. You must think on this.

2) Why not write down project that you have neglected because of an unhealthy attitude towards it? Remember,all is well that begins well then list all the positive benefits that will be received from the completion of your project.

Then raise the level of your attitude. If you are in level 1..raise it to level 10. The difference between an obstacle and an opportunity is Our attitude towards towards it. Every opportunity has a difficulty and every difficulty has an opportunity.

When confronted with a difficult situation, a person with an outstanding attitude makes the best of it. Life can be likened to a grindstone. Whether it grinds you down or polishes you depends upon what you are made of. No society has ever developed tough men during times of peace.

Adversity is prosperity to those who possess a great attitud. Great leaders emerges when crises occur. Think on this.

3) List two problems that are presently a part of your life. Besides the two problems write down your present reactions to them. Are they negative? Your challenge: Discover at least three possible benefits from each problem. Now attack the problem with your eyes on the benefits, not the barriers.

You aren't scare of tough times, you know it's only making you....That's a winning attitude. Your choice to focus on positivity is a Winning Attitude. Your challenges is not an excuse to give up. Try and see how to get round it. You will be celebrated only if you are a success.

Start teaching young folks on the right attitude towards success

My Life As A Lesson

There was a time I had to attend a program on social media (Whatsapp). I did the first program well but after that, my phone started misbehaving. I don't have a good phone and there was a time I was feeling down about it because it's affecting my program. I thought maybe the program will end up being a failure But you know what I raised my attitude and I said not having a good phone for is not an excuse to failing. This program is going to stand.In no time, this attitude drew many people to me and to the program. Before I know it, we already have 3 group admin, before I know it we increased in number. It's all about attitude. We finished the program with success through the help of right attitude.

See, jump from Failure to Success with your Attitude. Winning looks good on us, am right?

Thanks for reading.... Encourage me to do more by liking and commenting in the comments section...

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3 years ago


Yes dear... Winning looks good on me thanks

$ 0.00
3 years ago

So keep winning.have a winning attitude... although nothing comes easy. I know from first-hand experience that a good attitude is essential for success, because so much of how .Winning attitude goes with great sense of determination. In this regard, one must have the courage to pursue a task of life.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Am determined and am relenting and I don't loose.... thanks dear

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's the spirit....declare it all time even when things are going well or the other way....

$ 0.00
3 years ago

nice written article dear

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks dear .. hope winning looks good on you?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wonderful article dear. Please check my article.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks so much... Does winning look good on you?

$ 0.00
3 years ago