Common Sense Is Not Common

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3 years ago

Looking back, we can always see the mistakes we made but we fail to see the ones looking up. Been wise isn't about making mistakes, but about learning to escape afterwards with our dignity and integrity. Have ever notice that common sense is not common even to ageing?

When we are young, ageing seems to be something that happens to only old people... But it's all lies because growing is inevitable. We will all grow old.

I have been living with this thought of getting older and wiser to see if it look good. If you asked me I will say I prefer my childhood life to now but what can one do, you just have to grow whether you like it or not.It is constant.

Getting older and wiser must not be separated . It is not something we can achieve within a twinkle of an eye it something we unleash as a result of hardwork and experience.

Have you ever wonder before if why some cases, young folks correct an older folks because knowledge is not pertaining to ageing but rather experience and the level of thinking. Our differences about life makes us wise. Do you agree With me?

When we are young, ageing seems to be something that happens to old people. But it does happen to us all and we have no choice but to embrace it and roll with it. Whatever we do and however we are, the fact is we are going to get older. And this ageing process does seem to speed up as we get older.

Let me simply it this way, the older you get, the more areas you've covered to make mistakes in. There will always be new areas of experience where we have no guidelines and where we'll handle things badly, overreact, get it wrong. And the more flexible we are, the more adventurous, the more life embracing, then the more new avenues there will be to explore and make mistakes in of course.

However, as long as we look back and see where we went wrong and resolve not to repeat such mistakes, there is little else we need to do.

Know this today, everyone around you are getting older too and not everyone get wiser. Once you accept this, you will be more forgiving and be more kind towards yourself and everyone around you.

Without much ado, time does not heal and things do get better as you get older. The more mistakes you made, the less likely you will come up with a new ones.

The best thing is that if you get a lot of your mistakes over and done with early on in life, there will be less to learn the hard way later on. And that is what youth is all about, a chance to make all the mistakes you can and get them out of the way.

The thing that makes you wise is in you which is facing mistakes. You can't be wiser when you are alone, they do say common sense is not common. Yes, we've been instilled with senses but still not everyone make use of this senses in a wiser way. Everyday comes with new challenges but the ability to make mistakes in each challenges and overcome each, make you both older and wiser.

Thanks for reading.

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Love you all.

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3 years ago


Isn't common sense just simply being able to function as a regular human being? The fact that everyone should know a certain fact or idea already equates to common sense so i don't get why people make such a big deal out of it or use it as a means of degrading someone

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh really you are right. But most older people thinks they are the only wise one they have forgotten ageing doesn't makes one more wiser but rather it is by experience. Or what do you think?

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3 years ago

That doesn't add up to common sense at all. It's just arrogance with them claiming to know more because they've seen more and lived longer

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You've said well dear. Ageing doesn't makes us wise but we can be more experience than the young folks as @wakeupkitty said. Thanks

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3 years ago

No, I don't think I made or make mistakes. I made choices. Some are made in case of need, others I thought over way longer. If things do not work out the way as expected it's out of my hands, still not a mistake but something I tried which is more important than crying in a corner and hoping for help.

Getting older is fine with me. I agree wisdom comes with experiences but the young ones I hear lecturing the elderly are not doing it because they are wiser but because they think they know it all. In reality, they haven't been there and most likely never will be. They never fought, won, or lost a war, didn't survive many pandemics, illnesses, never worked hard not rebuild a country.

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3 years ago

Hmmm... So we should make choices rather than making mistakes 🤔I learnt that. What you said is true, but at least our older ones should also see that our young ones can sometimes can be wise without their experiences

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3 years ago

We should not focus on mistakes and not use this word. Mistake is a strange word anyway. What is called a mistake by one is totally fine by others and not seen as such. We are humans, we do things or not, we make decisions or let others decide for us. It can work out well, like expected or not at all. If not does that mean it was a mistake?🤔

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3 years ago

We always live between memories and lesson

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3 years ago

I believe that the wisdom that experience gives you is neither young nor old. It all depends on the path we traveled and if we were able to overcome the obstacles in a satisfactory way. In such a way that what you know you can transmit to others, with your way of being, with your way of advising, living and talking with your colleagues. Sean Known or unknown your wisdom by what you have lived is what makes your aging.

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3 years ago

Hmmm... thanks friend for your own view. That means been old or young doesn't determine been wise enough.. it is by experience.. I hope people of my country can see this because their reaction when it comes to been young and old ...

$ 0.01
3 years ago

It is my personal opinion.

The devil knows more by being old than by being a devil! says an adage in my country. But he know more about all his experience and now is he older?

Glad to read your post, it has good discussion content. Cheer up and I hope to hear from you again!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hmmm.... That adage is deep🤔.. thanks for the gift... Am happy that @Heartbeat_1515 introduced you to me... I will keep on writing dear... God bless you

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3 years ago

Wrong or failing will give us wisdom that it is a lesson that will become a life experience.

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3 years ago

Hmmm that's true we fail to experience that is what makes us wiser... Thanks for your contribution.. I hope my other friends can read this to @Hanzell @gertu13 @marblely @wakeupkitty @Heartbeat_1515 @ Jane and my other friends so that I can hear there own views too.... Thanks

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3 years ago