For example: cruise ships


@viralcoin (user)
ViralCoin successfully launched with unique advanced features that will contribute to changing the scope of fair launches forever. ViralCoin is given a unique definition of the Fair Balanced Launch.
@xbtcseb (user)
Crypto enthousiast, i think this space is not only for trading, finance and technology but for fun and educational. Mass adoption will pass by non-professional passionate people too, and I'am that kind of person. Let's play with crypto and make it viral ;)
@mexseo (user)
Brijesh Patel is one of Online Marketing Expert at MexSEO, a digital marketing agency that seeks to educate companies what they need to know about modern-day marketing, The production of viral ads, the use of social media to expand audiences and the value of credibility, among others. He's also prob...