For example: emergency medicine


@Homemadecook (user)
I will teach you how to cook at home your favorite foods. Comment what you want to learn about cooking
@Tomyris (user)
Writing about what I know best, real estate, property management and Mediterranean French healthy lifestyle which will include cooking, crafting, repairing&restoring items, homemade cosmetics.
@bakingmom (user)
I am a stay at home mom of three beautiful children. All of our meals, breads, desserts, etc. are homemade. Being a stay at home mom is a challenging and very rewarding job. However I also want to contribute back to the household financially so I thought sharing my knowledge in home cooked meals...
@patialashaitiffin (user)
At Patiala Shai Tiffin service, we are working with an aim to offer all the Indian dishes freshly prepared as well as cooked by our experienced staff to our clients through our Homemade Tiffin service to satisfy their cravings.