For example: farts


@disclose (user)
@Disa (user)
Cute &sweet
@bewellahanimalhospital (user)
It may surprise you to learn that our animal companions require dental care just like us. This blog post will discuss the value of giving your dog dental treatment from a veterinarian in Los Angeles. We'll discover the significance of maintaining their teeth's health and lustre as well as how routin...
@flavourorama (user)
The American College of Lifestyle Medicine stated that diet can achieve remission in many adults with type 2 diabetes when used as a primary intervention of whole, plant-based foods with minimal consumption of meat and other animal products. There remains a need for more randomized controlled trials...
@shami787 (user)
A disease explorer!A crypto lover! And A nature lover.🥰 , Twitter handle, @shammi787
@ukofficial001 (user)
I'm a chemist, nature lover and explorer and disease explorer as well.