For example: middle class


@dCommunity (user)
Onboarding businesses and normies into Web3 and crypto - while creating opportunities for members
@oliverwalkerjp (user)
I fought in the Colosseum and won. Now I help communities share the right information
@jstash (user)
We only sell dumps and cvv2 cards, fulls and look-up services. Any customer is able to reach customer service by submitting a ticket. As a long time player with vast reputation and rating on all carding communities we are not providing any free tests. Account balance in shop can only be spent, there...
@altafmiyan (user)
On a pursuit to empower communities with ideas, knowledge and technology.
@Ernest_of_Gaia (user)
At Nomad Blockchain Research, LLC I travel up and down the West Coast of the U.S. beta testing decentralized applications and hardware for decentralized networks. I test use cases for interested persons or groups who wish to store or save business value, nourish decentralized communities, and experi...
@Nero (user) development In communities: