For example: embroidery


@Corne_Akkers (user)
The Start Young as I was when I started drawing and painting I started my professional art career at age 35 after ending a succesful carreer as a business lawyer. I kept on handling my brushes and pencils after childhood but never dreamed I could make a living out of art. The internet offered me...
@Popcorn_S (user)
Block newbie
@Bither (user)
Block user
@estatespm (user)
Block Management Manchester | (user)
Intressted Bitcoin, Cyber Security, AI, Block chain and Quantum Computing
@Cyekmyster (user)
In quest of my block in the chain metaverse. Alter Ego - EverythingBlockchain
@miaperla (user)
Mia Perla is a Market Research Analyst at Infinite Block Tech. I'm enthusiastic with learning new advancements in the crypto and blockchain market. I collaborate with various organizations and help analyze their competitors to provide them better strategies to improve and keep their businesses up to...
@DarianSharpeLorde (user)
I’m truly passionate about the potential for block chain technology to change the world.
@defitokendevelopment (user)
No bio yetDecentralized Finance DeFi Development Company we are experts in block chain protocols, decentralized exchanges, asset tokenization, and smart contract development. Visit us: -
@safeguardingtraining (user)
I’m Chelsea Holland, a marketing specialist. On weekends, I block my time reading books about productivity and growth.
@PrakashChandra99 (user)
No bio yet...We have an affiliate program now where you can earn Bitcoin Cash! That means you can get paid for signing up other people to Below every article you'll find this block now:
@Nawaz_noor (user)
block chain enthusiast and bitcoin cash supporter
@RoyBliss (user)
Am Roy I love writing articles on crypto currency and block chain please support me to write more thanks.