For example: low self esteem


@Don (user)
@Seloni (user)
You dont deserve what you dont respect
@jhensy25 (user)
just be ur self u dont have to change for them to like u
@federation (user)
Obtenez une certification dans l’art de la massothérapie avec Notre formation en ligne de massage complet du corps vous aidera à apprendre les techniques et les outils dont vous avez besoin pour devenir un massothérapeute professionnel. Visitez notre site pour plus d’infor...
@vincenz0-cazan0 (user)
dont let problem eat yourself...
@thootzy713 (user)
If loving you was wrong i dont wanne be right.
@rodexxx (user)
Life is to Short dont make it shorter "YOLO"
@maydas0526 (user)
trust on yourself dont let everyone let you down
@rhoi2418 (user)
Please dont forget to Subscribe. Don't leave without seeing my interesting articles
@breezybb (user)
if you dont know now you know
@Jiren (user)
I dont like monday
@Moscoluv1 (user)
Starting from some points in life . you need to get to know more people and not only knowing them by name but by knowing them through their character . so I wanted to start this page with my name and I think that should be the first step in knowing someone . my name is Moses and I'm popularly known...
@Samsel14 (user)
If I dont think of you means I'm not alive.
@Mishiel (user)
"Dont let your heart be troubled."
@viperhavoc (user)
Dont hate success of others. Thank and Follow what they do.
@Lucky.Ph (user)
Dont Forget to subscribe
@Jehu (user)
Dont kill the vibes.Stay chill
@Rhoan (user)
Dont Judge the book by its cover