Believe... You that word? There's nothing ordinary about it even for a second. It is a driving force both in the physical and spiritual realms. Just think about it, what have you ever done in this life without believing and it worked? Of course it goes both ways like everything else in life. It either works for you or against you! Ever wondered why something you don't believe in could hurt you? There are one of two possible reasons; Subconsciously believing and someone else's believing. Yes, I meant exactly what you read. Subconscious believe tends to work against us because we think so much about something, in most cases consciously doubting it but then only end up engulfing our subconscious in that thought of something. That's pretty much same as allowing someone else do something for us. Now someone else's believing is what gives a thought the power to manifest, depending on how it has been channeled towards us (good or bad) Now you probably see why I said it goes both ways? Believe is a driving force of manifestation. I hope I have made any sense here. I will still write on this in a more detailed way.

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@Linfaze posted 2 years ago
