Today I have convinced my mother to write about anything and I will post it on my Read.Cash blog. I am looking forward to the topic you chose to write about. I think it's a good idea because she also likes to write. He always writes down the dreams he has while sleeping. I am sure you could write a little book with them. My mother is a very spiritual person, she has a particular way of understanding God. She was raised under Catholicism, however, over time, she has come to accept that God is ourselves. That we are one with the universe because we all have a quantum connection to the entire universe because we are made of the same atoms. I like this way of interpreting God. I love my mother and would give my life for her. I hope what I write and can share it here with you.

$ 0.25
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@ramonoropeza posted 3 years ago


For real so true

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3 years ago