Why do you think that atheists and agnostics are typically cast in a negative light? In fact, some of the most rational and peaceful people I know are atheists or agnostics? Why are some people threatened by others who are willing to step outside the wishful thinking of religious superstitions, and are willing to break free from the shackles of their childhood religious indoctrinations and all of it's inconsistencies with the natural world around us? Why is it so difficult to accept that a non- secular individual can have a stronger moral compass, and is less likely to cause harm to another person than a religious person at odds with a believer of a different sky daddy than his own? Why is it that frightening to some to accept the reality that like every other living creature on this planet we too came from the earth, and like them we too shall return to the earth?... Let us pray

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@JoeJonSpears posted 2 years ago
