"Harmony of Hearts"

In the peaceful murmurs of the evening, Where shadows dance in delicate evening glow, There sprouts an inclination, delicate and valid, A heart-contacting substance, only for you.

Feelings weave like strings of gold, Stories untold, yet to unfurl, In the nursery of the spirit, so profound, Where genuine privileged insights delicately leak.

A delicate touch, a short-lived look, Lights a fire, a sweet sentiment, The heart's tune, a quiet melody, It that is unadulterated and solid to Repeat love.

Through chuckling shared and tears embraced, An association shaped, flawlessly followed, The enchanted waits in the air, A heart-contacting feeling, interesting and intriguing.

In each beat, a mood sweet, An orchestra of adoration, so complete, Like petals falling in the spring, A heart's delicate murmur, love takes wing.

So, appreciate the occasions, delicate and dear, Let the heart-contacting feeling move close, For in the woven artwork of time, so brief, Lies the excellence of a heart's actual gathering.

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@dost4all posted 3 months ago
