Every person experiences the phenomenon of living in their comfort zone, which is a psychological state, and is devoid of any challenges. Due to the absence of challenges, no new experiences take place which can develop a person intellectually or help him engage in creative thinking. As a result, we become victims of intellectual dwarfism. Facing difficulties and challenges stimulates our intellectual development. If circumstances require a change, we should not be reluctant to accept it. Rather, we should admit it as a circumstantial gift. Facing changes with courage and wisdom inevitably pays off.
Every person experiences the phenomenon of living in their comfort zone, which is a psychological state, and is devoid of any challenges. Due to the absence of challenges, no new experiences take place which can develop a person intellectually or help him engage in creative thinking. As a result, we become victims of intellectual dwarfism. Facing difficulties and challenges stimulates our intellectual development. If circumstances require a change, we should not be reluctant to accept it. Rather, we should admit it as a circumstantial gift. Facing changes with courage and wisdom inevitably pays off.