Heard from our weekly devotion huddle earlier: "It's not useless when it's for God and from God."

And it reminded me on how everything I'm doing has a purpose. Sometimes it gets exhausting and there are days I get sick of it. These words do remind me that none of these efforts are wasted because someone is watching over me. Someone remembers me and still accepts me no matter how many times I fall.

I hope we take some minutes of our day to be reminded of all the little good things, so we don't lose track of the beauty of life.

Life's indeed short, yet full of hardships and affliction. But it's better lived with gratitude than lived with grudge. It doesn't even matter that much if you made a difference that will be remembered by the world. The most important thing is you made a difference for yourself—and that you'll come to His presence one day, hearing the words "Job well done, my faithful servant. Welcome."

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@Ellehcim posted 5 months ago
