Hello friends, This is the story of a girl who entered perhaps the darkest period of her life, but still did not lose hope. Yes it is me. At a time when I'm unemployed, feeling terrible and lonely, and yes, my love life is going crazy, I'm holding on to life by taking refuge in the power of positive thinking. It may sound cliché, but I overcome this situation by thinking that bad situations will get better. Also, one of the most important things is to stay busy. I started a new course to learn a programming language. I have also started researching artificial intelligence and will write a book. All this intensity and my belief that everything would be okay made me feel so good. My biggest advice to you is to believe that bad situations will pass and to think positively. Remember, it's not always night. At the end of the night, there is definitely morning. Wishing all the beauties to be with you...

personalmotivation #positivethinking

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@ayzithanim posted 3 months ago
