We are, sometimes, society's outcast. Some days we are hopeless and sometimes we feel like we are going nowhere. Some nights we are dreamers but some days we are just... exhausted. But you see, we are trying our best to be better, to live the life we always dreamed of. But like what they always said; easier said than done. it's not easy to always be motivated all the time. it's not easy to pick up yourself from the dust after you see your greatest dream vanishes from your own hands.

It's so hard to realize that that best is not always good enough. You have many dreams in your head and it feels like everyday you're just waiting for them to crash for thinking no dream is for you. Well Darling, you can always try. You can't have everything you dream of, but you can always try. I hope at the end of the day, no matter is where your destination, I hope you made yourself proud for not giving up even if it feels like you're carrying the rest of the world sometimes.

What is for you cannot be taken away.

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@LifeChanges posted 3 years ago
