I want to talk about the kitchen recipe community (1aa1). @Koush has given me the opportunity to be a moderator of this community. And this very grateful for it. At first I tried to do a good job and I'm really picky about this type of item. And the reason is because they are the type of article that is easier to plagiarize or to copy and paste. So, they do not generate any value for Read.Cash but they only bundle of poor quality articles. This was before the Read.Cash team has improved the platform and I have really seen how the Spam of useless articles has decreased a lot (well done, team!). However, I have seen in a short article by @Koush that several people complain that their article has been rejected for "low quality" and it really has been me. Because I see that they are articles without much to say more than a list of ingredients and a very vague explanation of how to make such a preparation. Many times they do not have an image other than the thumbnail and they are not their own images, but taken from the internet. No problem with it but it is accompanied by valuable information. So my question is do you write articles just to earn some BCH or do you really strive to make a good article and earn BCH accordingly? I do not want to discourage anyone, on the contrary: my invitation is to safely creating good articles with original content that motivate us to cook and learn about other cultures, which is one of the wonderful things about gastronomy. Here is my last article on a pizza recipe as an example to create a good kitchen article. Thank you! https://read.cash/@ramonoropeza/pizza-to-pamper-recipe-bea3a86f

$ 0.06
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@ramonoropeza posted 4 years ago
