I'm going to give these last articles that I wrote a few more days.... Still nothing from the AI, I'm just going to start over I guess... :(
Who's Rusty?
The Random Rewarder.
oh, well I need literally everything penny I can get....
lol. Don't we all. Even if I have a lot of pennies, I still always want more of them. Are you on myLot?
What is that?
Just another writing site, mainly for shorter posts. They don't pay in crypto though. They pay in cash. Worth checking out if you enjoy socializing and want another place to cash out with a few more pennies. I make about $15-$20 a month over there.
How do they pay you?
They use PayPal. All in cash.
PayPal is not cash....
Well, what I mean is that they pay you real money. Not crypto.
They pay you any other way?
Don't write for Rusty. Write for a real audience. That's where the greatest reward will come from in my opinion. Although, that being said, I am not sure if we still have enough active users for it to matter.