Dear friends, for starters I wish all of you a great month and autumn!

While I am making the finishing touches for my next article that will be published in a few hours, I would like to post here a question.

I intend to make a second account during this month for a thematic page of mine (and later on maybe more accounts if there are more subjects on which I would like to write on separately), where I will publish articles relevant to its cause and less personal than on this one.

I know from this question ( ) that this is allowed as long as I don't upvote my one account with my other one, but I have not found anywhere if it is allowed to link them via the affiliate program.

What I would like to do if it is not prohibited is use the referral of my main profile to make my second one. Do you know/ is there any official guideline on this subject?

Thank you in advance! 🌞

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@ChristinaMadart posted 2 years ago
