Covid Vaccine Effectivity

It was May 28, 2021 when I got my 2nd dose Aztrazeneca vaccine. We were reminded to take vitamins for 2 weeks since our immune system is still working for the antibodies.

Last day, June 7, 2021, one of my closest friend got positive with his rapid antigen test. I was one of his closest contact. I hurriedly went to Red Cross for RTPCR. My result came at 7pm tonight. It was NEGATIVE.

To be honest I was hesitant to have my 2nd dose because of so many hearsays that I've heard.

But tonight, I'm a living proof that getting vaccinated with covid vaccine has the effectivity that you'll be negative with any covid signs and symptoms or just mild symptoms.

Get vaccinated.

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@MailynV. posted 2 years ago
