What thing.? As I say ... If she could fly to meet you woman from my deep sleep, I would jump the existing distance between your heart and mine ... I would leave my sorrows dropping, those that my absent soul faces, to embark with you now, towards the sea of ​​our luck ... I would fly just to have you with me in bliss, to love you all, hold your hand alone, and, take you to the path of my dream ... I would like to fly with you, forever, form an impossible dream, if possible, know that together we would achieve it, melting our souls into one ... How do I tell my sky I'm tired, just to see you I urgently need to have you to fulfill this existing dream ... I want to kiss you on the mouth, tell you slowly slowly in your ear, what are you the woman that I adore, the queen, of my heart and mind ... The more you have put up barriers, to look elsewhere, creating empty spaces, that only lengthen our destiny ... Do you not realize, we are on our way to the swamp, of time, which will no longer be ours, for the years what, they do not pass in vain ... I'm dying inside for not having you, And now what do I do...? I prefer oblivion ...

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@Davidjavier posted 3 years ago
