Is the concept of CRAZY defined, It is a word very used by most people, in truth it is not a nice word when they say it to you, but that is not the case, now I start with my story, this morning around noon a man was walking next to me, from time to time he said something, I thought he was talking on a cell phone and I wanted to see if he had one in his hand or the mouthpiece, but when I saw him well I noticed that he was talking alone, and I said to myself, good opportunity to examine the conduct of this man so I learn more about what it is to talk alone on the street and take advantage of the mouthpiece to not look like a mentally unbalanced, I put myself almost next to individual, but he noticed that I was watching him, and CRAZY is not what he did, At the first opportunity I could hear him muttering, but he realized what he was doing, I hid and let him pass and when I tried again to get next to him, he stopped, let me pass and I watched him through the glass of the door of the store that at that time we were passing, I hid and he again reached me, Then again I heard him mumbling and I took the opportunity to stand next to him and again he did the same, he stopped and let me continue, when crossing the avenue I noticed that he was carrying a book called something like this, HUMOR EN LA QUINTA REPUBLICA, and I said to myself either this guy is mumbling, or he has a disorder or he is simply reproducing in his brain the nonsense that a humor book can say. THEN, he is not crazy.

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@bryandeep posted 2 years ago
