In The Meantime...
This time will pass, I promise you. And life will continue on. In not too long, this event will be something that happened in the past. So take it easy.
You will get through this. You will laugh again. You will have fun again.
You will be happy, and your life will be full once again. And on top of all of that, you will be much wiser and more compassionate, because you got through a challenging world event that made the history books, and you came out on the other side of it.
In the meantime, despite the circumstances, you can choose right now to laugh as much as you can, have as much fun as you possibly can have, be as happy as you can be, and make your life as full as possible!
May Perfect Health Be With You,
In The Meantime...
This time will pass, I promise you. And life will continue on. In not too long, this event will be something that happened in the past. So take it easy.
You will get through this. You will laugh again. You will have fun again.
You will be happy, and your life will be full once again. And on top of all of that, you will be much wiser and more compassionate, because you got through a challenging world event that made the history books, and you came out on the other side of it. In the meantime, despite the circumstances, you can choose right now to laugh as much as you can, have as much fun as you possibly can have, be as happy as you can be, and make your life as full as possible! May Perfect Health Be With You,