Can Love be caged?

So that it wouldn't roam freely

To caress and tickle

The hearts of men and women so wretched

Does love have a boundary?

You say yes, show me where

Does it have a limit ?

She said no, ask her why

Who can trace Love's boundary line?

Oh Wise Geographer , Can you? 🤔

If yes, come sit with me

As you tell me it's distance from my heart

(The Geographer fails to get the distance)


I knew you couldn't... Ask me why?

Because love is boundless

Its feelings are irresistible

It will always win no matter the fight

"Just Love and do whatever you like "

A quote that made Augustine a Saint

As he loved God and human beings alike

A deed that made his body pure without taint

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@MichaeloMario posted 3 years ago
