Tree Plantation

Tree plantation is defined when trees are planted in much amount to attend forestation is called tree plantation. Trees are a very important part of our life and environment. Like water, we can’t live without trees. Trees give us much blessing. Such as we take a breath and live. On the other hand, trees give us food and shelter. Not only this, medicine, wood furniture is the natural gifted from trees. Natural trees shade and the air is free from pollution and much better than any artificial air. To keep our minds fresh and keep healthy trees play a vital role.

Without trees or cut down trees make an alarming issue for us. Deforestation, global harm, drought, climate change, soil erosion, natural hazards, etc. are the result of fewer amounts of trees. To overcome this situation it is the best time to increase awareness among the people. And take steps to plant more and more tress as soon as possible

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@Monim_Khan posted 3 years ago
