Babaji began to say

Do you love the truth

If the answer is yes, then tell the truth honestly. ۔ What do you think when you are alone?

Do you speak the truth to yourself in private or do you dare to hear the truth about yourself in private?

Or do they patronize the truth only by backbiting others?

Have you ever honestly and critically evaluated your personal strengths and weaknesses? Have you ever made a sincere effort to keep your loneliness clean?

You leave the others. ۔ Tell yourself honestly what is the purpose of your life?


What have you done so far to achieve this noble goal? Remember that your needs cannot be the purpose of your life. Well, at least I didn't go down without explaining myself first. ۔ ۔ So now the rest of your life will be meaningless?

Tell me honestly what is the nobale purpose of your life which makes you superior to other creatures?

Did God really create you in vain?

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@Dilaissee posted 3 years ago
