Saying . A good book is like a hundred good friends, but a good friend is like a library.

. Don't read success stories, because you will only get the story from them. Read failure stories, then you will find some ways to succeed.

. Keep dreaming until the dream is fulfilled. Dreams are not what you see in your sleep, dreams are what keep you awake.

. Man cannot change his future, but can change habits. Habits change people's future.

. If you want to spread light like the sun, first learn to burn like the sun.

. Liberals use religion to extend a hand of friendship. But narrow-minded people use religion as a weapon of war.

. Leaders are not afraid of problems. Rather know how to deal with the problem. He has to work honestly.

. The best talent in the nation can be found from the last bench of the classroom.

. As a student, I wanted to be a pilot. But I failed to fulfill that dream, I became a rocket scientist.

. Life and time are the best teachers in the world. Life teaches to use time well and time teaches to value life.

. There is more joy in hard work. So people's work should be hard to get the joy of success.

. Don't sit back after the first success. Because the second time you fail, many will say that you succeeded in the first only by luck.

. Those who do not work from the mind, they actually get nothing. And even if it is, it is half the success of the heart. There is always some kind of bitterness in it.

. My message to the younger generation is that they need to have the courage to think differently. There must be a urge to discover in the mind. You have to have the mentality of solving your own problems.

. When it starts raining, all the birds look for shelter somewhere. But the eagle flew over the clouds and avoided the rain.

. I'm not masculine. But when someone is in danger I extend a helping hand. Beauty is in the human mind, not in appearance.

. It is very easy to lose someone, but it is difficult to win someone's heart.

If you salute your work, you don't have to salute anyone else. But if you disrespect your work, disrespect it, cheat, then all of you

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@Monir posted 3 years ago
