When you are in age of child, You don’t know about responsibility. When your age in 5, Your admit in a school. There you understand what is responsibility. There you have to go school, You have to finish school's home work and you also need to observe school's law. Mean you have some responsibility. After the school you go to high school. There you have more responsibility. In this age you need to observe Social, Family, School law. You also need to help of your familiar work. But when you pass School, College and University, there you get full responsibility of you family, society. There you need to earn cause of daily life. In this time, your family fully depend on you. If you take responsibility of your family mean you parent, brother/sister (if have). This time if you leave your family, you family will be destroy. Because when you are able to earn you parent will be gone old age. Mean they unable to earn. Mean you are now get responsibility. I think your age will be 25 to 28. So I just tell that it 'you responsible depend on you age'

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@Rmtomal posted 3 years ago
