Stay in your lane.

The above picture means a lot to me.

Try to stay in your lane that’s all that matters.

You might feel his successful because his in the best position to succeed.

You might believe you field isn’t good enough because you have made it already.

Stay in your lane have faith in yourself and believe you are doing just fine.

Believe your success is close that’s the more reason you shouldn’t follow others.

You don’t need to wait for anyone to do it for to you in as much as you have seen lots of people succeed in that field before you the man you got no reasons to panic.

Patiently keep pushing slowly you will get there it’s a matter of time.

When it’s our field you will find out how easy it’s going to be for you to get to the top without the aid of anyone.

Don’t make the crazy mistake of following the multitude just exercise patients a time will come when the multitude will have to follow you because of the success you’ve achieved.

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@Saviouressien posted 3 years ago
