Psychological tricks I hope you know these psychological techniques, they are often applicable to most people.

  1. When talking to others, don't say "I know", say "You are right". This will not make you look ignorant and doesn’t diminish something someone else may have just found out.

  2. If you want to be a popular person, but don't want to compliment each other artificially. Compliment others behind their backs.

  3. If you need to remember something, you can associate it with something obviously unusual. In this way, you will remember this when you notice an obvious abnormality.

For example, if you need to take out the trash before going to bed, you put the pillow at the foot of the bed. So once you find that the pillow is in the wrong position, you will remember to take out the trash.

4.When somebody shy is speaking. If you look at them and nod your head it encourages them to keep talking.

  1. Don't ask "Do you have any questions?", ask "What questions do you want to ask?"

The first almost always results in slience,and the second lets people feel comfortable to ask questions.

  1. If you want someone to have any quality, thank him for that quality first.

For example, "Thank you for your patience and understanding."

This sentence is much more useful than "Sorry for keeping you waiting".

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@aamir336 posted 3 years ago



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Thank you for this helpful information.

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