1. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Fruit root too Vegetables contain lots of potassium.
  2. Fish eggs, brain, cheese, egg yolk, Avoid butter as much as possible.
  3. if not needed leaf extra No need to take salt.
  4. Drink milk. But noni picked milk and yogurt Khan.
  5. Eat more fish. Fish's In oil ' Omega Three Fatty Acid '.
  6. Better not eat red meat.
  7. Never eat chicken skin.
  8. Shalgum, soybean, dry bean seeds He will eat more beans.
  9. Vitamin C-Contained Foods As Lemon, Amlaki, raw pepper, guava Eat too much.
  10. Teen or Processed Foods Just avoid it. Eat 11. fresh food.
  11. Weight according to body height Keep it in control.
  12. Smile as much as you can.
  13. Worries are not excitement.
  14. Chat with everyone. You can sing 16. songs with joy of your heart. Read 17. funny books.
  15. Do physical hard work.
  16. Exercise regularly.
  17. Quit smoking.
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@osti posted 4 years ago
