Marriage is beautiful, actually being loved and loving someone genuinely is beautiful. It is one of the flavors of life. But on the other hand being in a wrong married relationship or "bad" one could be suicidal. An individual in a marriage relationship must go the way to make it work. It is not a one way thing or path because then it will eventually crumble, both in the relationship should put in their path unselfishly as much as possible; because it is possible.

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@chycoded posted 3 years ago


This is just a short post, you don't earn from it. Only a well written article earn you BCH

$ 0.00
3 years ago

oh, is that so?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

To make a marriage work, it requires the 2 major parties involved. But a situation where one is taking it down, the other party that wants it to work will be stressed out.

$ 0.00
3 years ago