TRUE MEANING OF ALHAMDULLELLAH: A person who says "Alhamdullellah Rabbil Alamin" utters words which are creater than the whole universe. This is why according to Hadith," The word Alhamdullellah is so heavy that it fills up the scales." Alhamdullellah Rabbil Alamin is a truth creater than the heavens and the Earth but merely reading lip service is not enough. When one says Alhamdullellah, it should be an utterance that subsumes one's entire being, absorrbs one's entire personality and includes all of one's emotions. According to Hadith, "The best servents of Allah Almighty are those who praise God the most".

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@Gulbano posted 3 years ago


Mashallah. Very nice and meaningful post. My Allah accept our zikar and other good deeds.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks.. Ameen

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3 years ago