**Any excuse?**

Hi mates How are you doing my sweet people? We have heard a general quote that " Life is not bed of roses". We have to follow hard pathway. Today's discussion is all about making excuses that We will do that when this thing will be changes to that. Are you waiting for a river that when it will stop you will cross that?? 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 River will never stop and in this way you can't go to other bank of river. Difficulties will not end any time and they will come to your life by different shapes. One will end and other Will come into your life. Stop making excuses that I will do that work after this harsh winter. Stop making excuses that I will do that work after this harsh summer. Stop making excuses that you will it tomorrow. Stop making excuses that someone will come and do that for you. Weather will be changed but you will not do that.No one will come to do anything for you. This would is selfish and you have to do your work by yourself. Stop making excuses and if work is yours then do that today with gratitude and attitude. Just go out of your comfort zone and everything is yours. Right pathways are always hard 🙌

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@aamir336 posted 3 years ago
