whats is a cryptocurrency??????? a crptocurrency is just like a digital form of cash. you can use it to pay frined for your share of the bar tab,buy that new pair of socks you've been eyeing up ,or book flights and hotels for your next holiday. becaues cryptocurrency is digital, it can also be sent to frineds and family anywhere in the world.

just like paypal or bank transfer, Right? Well,not really. its way more intersting.

you see, traditional online payment gateways are owned by organizations. they hold your money for you, and you need to ask them to tranfer it on your behalf when you want to spend it.

in cryptocurrencies, there isnt an organization. you your frineds, and thousands of onther can as your ownbanks by runing free software. your computar connects with other peoples computars, meaning you communicate directly_no middlemen required!

To use cryptocurrency, you don't need to sign up for a website with an email addres and password. you can download a wide variety apps onto your smartphone to begin sending and receiving within minutes.

Thanks so much for reading my post.

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@Kate4 posted 2 years ago
