
This life is full of ups and downs Good evening everyone, how are you doing and how was your day this evening I would like to talk about this life is full of ups and downs.

Don't feel disheartened no matter what comes your way just keep having faith in God, yourself and your hardworking know to yourself that things can't always go as you have planned for is not every time things will go as you want there maybe obstruction to your goals but don't let that discouraged you better still find a way out don't let that weak you down.

You may be thinking to yourself that why is your life not like that of your friend of course no don't think like that know to yourself that it is your friend's time to succeed if you are patient and hardworking your own too will come we are not the same everyone came to this world for one or two purposes so believe in yourself that you can do it.

Things may be going smoothly before all of a sudden everything just change and does not go smoothly like before but never let that weak you down God may just be using that to test your patient so never keep trying until you get there, life won't be going smoothly all the time so never give up and know to yourself that this life is full of up and down it may go smoothly before and also go the other way round now but never let that weigh you down.

So life is full of ups and downs just enjoy the good times and work hard with courage for the bad times.

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@aamir336 posted 3 years ago
