Do we intend to do this? Because not then start intending. we can be limitless and tender at times. we suffer alone and project to the society. the vision will be similar of those who felt the same pains and emotions. but we must know that all of us possess the power to transform. and We will transform. because that is what we do as a collective consciousness. as a Embodiment of entire human community. We might not have communicated to neighbors. but we should make our own cup of tea, rather then being served one at our home by those who serve us Sometimes. Make your Own cup of Tea. Drink your Tea Folks. Lets all drink this tea in the name of starting a new adventure like never before. I for with you am a fellow traveler. Just intended on learning and turning the key points.

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@snehanshu posted 3 years ago


Thank you for the Support. Your Words mean a lot to me.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice writing, try to include some paragraphs between your writings to make it neat.

$ 0.00
3 years ago